The Maiden of the Barren Rime

Fiction - Fantasy - General
540 Pages
Reviewed on 08/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Sadiyah Bhamjee for Readers' Favorite

Get ready to step into the brutal cold of the Fallow Peaks with its savage beasts, deadly avalanches, and even colder alpinist, Mina. Contracted to lead the friendliest five up the mountain, Mina must leave the peace of her cabin and deliver this band of merry travelers to the capital. No matter how icy Mina is, the travelers keep trying to make friends. Overly helpful and kind, they all have their particular way of stepping over Mina’s boundaries. The way to melt an icy heart is with fire and, conveniently, there is a fire wizard, Sebastian, leading the expedition in The Maiden of the Barren Rime by Sweet.

Sweet has created the ultimate masterpiece. The Maiden of the Barren Rime is rich and filled to the brim with action, adventure, strange new creatures, wondrous lands, inventive magic, and beauty. From the first word to the last, I was taken on the most thrilling ride. The plot is intricate and the characters are complex. Mina, the main character, has been written with an elaborate past that controls her present life in such an intriguing way. Her steamy relationship with Sebastian is a tightrope romance. I was on the edge of my chair waiting to learn what would happen. I fell in love with the characters as soon as I saw the character drawings that adorn the beginning of the book. The twists and turns in The Maiden of Barren Rime are as treacherous as the journey up Fallow Peaks and just as easy to get lost in.