The Monarchs

Fiction - Science Fiction
406 Pages
Reviewed on 10/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Monarchs by Mark Sabbas is a science fiction novel set in a war-torn world, where a new generation of children possess extraordinary psychic abilities. Samuel, one of these children, struggles to control his powerful telekinesis under the watchful eye of military scientists. His only refuge comes from his philosophical tutor, Walter, and visits with an orphan named Evelyn. As Samuel embarks on a journey that forces him to confront his past and unlock the depths of his psychic powers, he discovers profound spiritual truths and faces formidable enemies. Sabbas skillfully blends science fiction with deep philosophical themes in a novel that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally impactful. The intricate world-building immerses readers in a dystopian future that feels both eerie and plausible, with vivid descriptions that make the setting come alive and dialogue and attitudes in the characters that feel like they'd been realistically affected by the world around them.

I was particularly impressed by Mark Sabbas's ability to create so many dimensions for his characters, especially Samuel, whose internal struggles are as captivating as the external conflicts he faces as he goes through so many changes and challenges. This offers readers a really interesting discussion on human nature that goes beyond typical science fiction tropes. The novel's pacing is also expertly balanced, allowing suspense to build while leaving room for a few key emotional moments. I found myself deeply engrossed in Samuel's journey, not just for the exciting plot developments, but for the thought-provoking questions it raised about our own potential and the responsibilities that come with great power. Overall, I wholeheartedly recommend The Monarchs to science fiction fans who appreciate a story that pushes the boundaries of the genre and offers a rich, philosophical exploration of what it means to be human in a world of extraordinary abilities.