The Mystical Guatemalan Robes

The Pilot and the Priest

Fiction - Science Fiction
472 Pages
Reviewed on 08/15/2024
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Author Biography

My life as an international airline pilot was filled with adventures that only aviation could provide. Flying to exotic destinations seemed more like an award than a career. The job was, however, stressful and exhilarating all in the same moment. It was a feeling that is difficult to describe. Your heart could be racing one moment and basking in the achievements of your training the next. Each approach to an airport was filled with the expectations of discovery and tales that only the indigenous people could spin. Walking the streets at night in strange cities across the globe was a privilege only the supremely curious could enjoy. Folklore filled the darkness with the cries of both heroes and villains alike. "The Mystical Guatemalan Robes: The Pilot and the Priest" is a novel that celebrates the fears and joys of global discovery to the backdrop of folklore. Grab the book and fasten your seatbelt. Emotional turbulence has been reported inside the first page.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Mystical Guatemalan Robes: The Pilot and the Priest is a work of fiction in the science fiction and fantasy, interpersonal drama, and psychological suspense genres. It is best suited to mature adult readers as it deals with strong and disturbing themes of abuse. Penned by author Michael David Polansky, this intriguing novel intertwines the life of an international airline pilot and Vietnam War veteran with an ancient, mysterious sect in Guatemala. During his travels, the pilot encounters a priest with a dark past, leading to a battle with potentially catastrophic consequences for humanity. As their conflict intensifies, both men uncover a shared, painful past. This modern tale skillfully blends the protagonist's professional experiences with old-world fantasy, creating a gripping narrative that hints at a sequel.

Author Michael David Polansky has crafted a captivating journey that seamlessly fuses the protagonist's modern, high-paced life with ancient mysticism for a naturalistic feel to a powerful, fantastical tale. The author's ability to weave the protagonist's military background and global travels into the characterization was impressive, offering a sense of how his attitudes and beliefs have been shaped so far, and how they can change under the intense pressure of new discoveries. This enabled the narrative to feel both grounded and magical at the same time, with a poignant and focused viewpoint that shows us the depth of emotional and psychological strain that our hero undergoes. The intense battle between the pilot and the priest, underpinned by their shared, painful past, added emotional depth and complexity to the story with just the right amount of darkness that never felt over-sensationalized. This exploration of personal histories and the impact of past traumas resonated deeply, making me ponder the long-term effects of one's experiences outside the story’s own context, with some important lessons and themes that stick with you long after you close the book. Overall, The Mystical Guatemalan Robes offers an enthralling and thought-provoking read for sci-fi and fantasy fans everywhere.

Maalin Ogaja

The Mystical Guatemalan Robes by Michael David Polansky is a suspenseful and nerve-wracking thriller featuring a priest and an airline pilot. Fray Narvaez is a 16th-century Spanish priest who has requested a transfer to the New World. In reality, the friar has left behind a scandal threatening the livelihood of the monastery. Something about the friar fills everyone he meets with disquiet and darkness, and his actions upon leaving the monastery prove this. Captain John Pulitzer is a long-serving airline pilot for AireWest. Apart from the scars left by the Vietnam War and family dysfunction, John is also grappling with scars and nightmares involving images of a priest and a small boy. When John stumbles on a series of stories about children murdered in similar circumstances, his subsequent thoughts and actions set him on a collision course with Fray Narvaez and his disciples.

In The Mystical Guatemalan Robes, Michael David Polansky carefully sets the background for the story moving from an ancient Spanish monastery to the conquest of the Aztec empire to present-day Guatemala and finally to Denver. He masterfully weaves the narrative, alternating the different eras while keeping the story coherent and seamless. The plot is easy to follow and meticulously constructed, allowing readers to easily transition from Friar Narvaez’s story to Captain John’s narrative. Polansky explores various themes in this novel, such as the emotional scars left by war, family, childhood trauma, and diversity in the workplace. Overall, The Mystical Guatemalan Robes was a fantastic read, and I hope for a sequel to John’s story soon.

Grant Leishman

The Mystical Guatemalan Robes: The Pilot and the Priest by Michael David Polansky is an interesting meld of historical and science fiction. When conquistador Hernán Cortés first set sail to conquer Mexico in the early sixteenth century he would take a disgraced priest along with him; Fray Narvaez. Narvaez had been expelled from his monastery for despicable pedophile acts against local children. Long haunted by what he thought was the voice of God, Narvaez would find his true destiny in Guatemala. As Cortés and his small force achieved victory upon victory against the overwhelming numerical odds of the Aztec army, he quickly realized their success was due in large part to some supernatural power inexplicably tied to the priest. Hidden deep in the mountains of Guatemala was a group that held Narvaez’s future in their hands, with the ability to grant him immortality. Almost five hundred years later an AireWest Airlines pilot, Captain John Pulitzer, is committed to his job; he loves flying and the airline he has worked for over the last fourteen years. His frequent absences from home, however, have strained his marriage to breaking point but he adores his job. When John notes a disturbingly similar series of murders and mutilations of children in America, Costa Rica, and Guatemala, he is determined to uncover the truth. What he discovers is a secretive sect led by Fray Narvaez, prepared to do whatever it takes to keep their activities hidden from the authorities.

The Mystical Guatemalan Robes is a bold attempt to meld known historical events with a current-day narrative and supernatural, alien forces. Author Michael David Polansky has effectively created a definitively evil antagonist in the form of the pedophile priest without crossing the line into crassness and vulgarity, which is to be commended. The idea of combining two very different timelines to create the climactic events of the story is unique, fresh, and innovative. I appreciated the conflicts John Pulitzer experienced between his desire for a happy family life and his commitment to his career and ultimately to confronting and eliminating the evil that came from those Guatemalan mountains. The author has considerable knowledge of airline procedures and systems which add an air of authenticity to John’s narrative. The supernatural elements of the story need to be taken on faith but the author sets up parameters for the powers the priest possesses that are believable, however far-fetched they may initially seem. It was interesting that John’s post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) received whilst serving in Vietnam was ultimately seen as an advantage. The author has left the door open for a sequel and I look forward to this in the future. This book was something different for me but I did enjoy it and highly recommend it.