The Philanthropist Handbook

Finding Meaning in the Endowment of Humanity

Non-Fiction - Social Issues
238 Pages
Reviewed on 10/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Leonard Smuts for Readers' Favorite

Philanthropy is epitomized by an ethos of giving and the desire to leave a lasting legacy through charitable deeds. Non-profit organizations (NPOs) now provide around 10% of the jobs in America, making a major and growing contribution to society. Clay M. Grayson has provided a detailed guide for potential donors in The Philanthropist Handbook: Finding Meaning in the Endowment of Humanity. The topic is much more complex than one would imagine. The author takes readers through the history and role of philanthropy, what constitutes a philanthropist, the various types of charitable organizations, and formulating a personal plan. He points out that a philanthropist is an empathetic individual who desires to make a permanent impact through planned foresight. By establishing a new fund or contributing to an existing organization, the donor can ensure both continuity and achieve a wider reach that will prevail even after death. Donors may be inspired by a wide variety of motives, which could include a desire to create a better future, sharing of wealth, advocacy of worthy causes, addressing the inequalities of the past, and healing old wounds. A sense of justice and restoration are embodied, along with gratitude, compassion, and mindfulness. Bias should be avoided.

Clay M. Grayson is a tax attorney who has specialized in advising non-profit organizations and donors. He has seen the benefits and pitfalls of philanthropy first-hand, and his book is filled with sage and practical advice for those wishing to make an enduring investment in the future. The Philanthropist Handbook examines all aspects of philanthropy, from the initial conception, planning stage, implementation, and legal aspects. The many forms of NPO are evaluated, which may vary from funding projects, hospitals, and research institutions to universities. It is noteworthy that, contradictory to the term, an NPO may well aim to make a profit. The difference is that the proceeds are generally not taxable and are to be used to further its aims and may not be distributed to the founders. Funding is evaluated, along with the governance and legal compliance mechanisms that ensure transparency. The author also debates the question as to whether an NPO is an anomaly in the capitalist system. The book includes several concepts for reflection and meditation. The information is presented concisely and in a manner that makes reading it a pleasure. It is aimed at the serious donor who has capital to invest and will be a valuable tool to those who plan to share their wealth. It is American orientated but the principles are widely applicable. It is highly recommended.