The Sixteen

Soul Jumpers Series - Book Two

Children - Grade 4th-6th
206 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Michelle Robertson for Readers' Favorite

Iris Brave's world turned upside down when she learned that what she thought she knew of souls was entirely untrue. When Iris heard of her father Micah being alive within another person's body, the whole thing seemed unreal and impossible. Iris was taken to a group of soul jumpers called The Sixteen, who explained to her she is the only one who could save her father from the soul jumpers council. Scared, confused and feeling ever so alone, will she be able to stay alive herself, let alone save her own father?

The Sixteen: Soul Jumpers Series Book Two written by Ali B. is an intriguing novel introducing readers to spiritual and paranormal concepts, as well as proposing the idea of an alternate physical identification preceding death. Although the book is the second in the series, it can be a standalone novel. The author provides readers with detailed descriptions of each character's personality and actions throughout the story. A vivid picture of the happenings can be obtained clearly when reading this exciting, adventurous and suspenseful story. The author doesn't allow readers a moment's rest as you are drawn into the book right from the get go with the ideology that is presented within its plot.

The book is meant for readers ages 8-12, but readers of all ages can read, enjoy, and comprehend the story easily. As I have not read the first book in the series, I was a little lost on some background details, but thoroughly enjoyed the story nonetheless. I hope to read more work from this author as the ending of this book is left open for a possible third.


The Sixteen, just like it's predecessor, is a page turner. The stories are engaging and the second book in the series provides many answers to the cliffhanger that the author ends the first book (Iris Brave) with. I highly recommend both books to readers from age 8 to 98. I can't wait for the next book in the series to come out!


I bought Iris Brave and The Sixteen for my 4th and 7th grader, and ended up really enjoying them myself (and so did my husband)! The characters are appealing and the plot is sophisticated enough to keep us all engaged. We enjoyed having family book discussions at dinner and are looking forward to the next installments.