The Valor of Sorcerers

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
384 Pages
Reviewed on 10/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Paul Zietsman for Readers' Favorite

Robert Jones' The Valor of Sorcerers is the sequel to his debut The Honor of Dragons, a mystical fantasy about an ongoing feud between dragon and man. In the first book, dragons were still believed to be mythical, but a nasty surprise awaited the humans of Franconia. In The Valor of Sorcerers, the dragons plot their revenge and deceitfully plan for the humans to wage war against each other. The “changed ones” ( i.e. dragons who have changed to human form) act as the catalysts to manipulate the kings of Franconia and Baize to wage war against each other. At the same time, the male protagonist Donovan continues his magical studies at the Franconian Wizards Academy, and his story is filled with suspense, mystery, adventure, and plenty of surprises along the way.

Robert Jones always seems to have an ace up his sleeve and to call the storyline of The Valor of Sorcerers interesting is a gross understatement. So many twists and turns in the plot, a thrilling set of events, and a surprise around every corner make this a formidable book. The imagery is simply brilliant so I partook of this fantasy story of dragons and wizardry all the way. I strongly recommend this book to young adult readers, especially fantasy lovers; it is a dream come true. The Valor of Sorcerers involves themes of loyalty and trust, an engrossing conspiracy, vivid imagery, and strong and authentic characters, and is nothing short of a masterpiece. What magic will Robert Jones conjure up next?

Christian Sia

The sequel to The Honor of Dragons, Robert Jones’s The Valor of Sorcerers delivers an engaging narrative that will arrest the attention of fantasy lovers, a story with rich worldbuilding, exceptionally sculpted characters, and conflict that echoes the struggle between ancient magic and human frailty. The story unfolds in the kingdoms of Franconia and Baize, where political tensions are imbued with magical elements, primarily the co-existence of dragons and humans. The courageous Mage Donovan Francis is thrust into a world of responsibility after the death of his battle-mage father. His journey from student to protector is multifaceted, particularly as he struggles with family legacy issues and personal identity, highlighted by his search for justice and knowledge of his parents’ pasts. The dynamic between Donovan and his father, Edward, shows a nuanced portrayal of familial ties — Edward’s secrets and his decision to fake his death to return to the fray reflect a desperate commitment to protect his son. They will stop at nothing to uncover the hidden dragons and the ones keeping them secret. Meanwhile, Gek, the Great Dragon, and his mate, the Sea Dragon Azure, are out for revenge after humans killed Gek’s mother.

Robert Jones has created an imaginary world that absorbs readers, crafting each element of the magical world with care, bringing to life places like Riverside and Weaton. The conflict measures the pulse of life in this wonderfully imagined and expertly crafted world. It manifests in interpersonal relationships and within kingdoms on the brink of warfare. The burgeoning tension between the human kingdoms over the potential dragon threat presents an urgent backdrop to the characters’ journeys. Victor, the enigmatic Court Wizard of Franconia, introduces intrigue as he orchestrates plots that threaten the peace of the kingdoms and the safety of the protagonists. The presence of dragon councils and the nuances of their unity underscores the theme of collaboration across disparate groups, with Gek and Azure struggling with their identities as dragons living among humans. The Valor of Sorcerers is a hugely imaginative tale with complex characters, both humans and dragons. It features stellar writing and exceptional storytelling.

Romuald Dzemo

In Robert Jones' enthralling The Valor of Sorcerers, readers are plunged into a richly crafted world where magic, politics, and ancient feuds intertwine. The narrative shows an intricately layered plot as dragons disguised as humans plot revenge against the humans who wronged them. The story starts with Mage Edward Francis, presumed dead after a dragon battle, who uncovers a conspiracy involving the Court Wizard Victor, aiming to manipulate Franconia and Baize into a destructive war. Meanwhile, Donovan, a talented young magician navigating Hogwarts-like trials at the Franconian Wizards Academy, is inadvertently caught in the crossfire of the dragon conflicts and the intrigues of the academy. Gek, the Great Dragon, and his Sea Dragon mate, Azure, have discovered the secret of how dragons can transform themselves into humans with magic. Now, they must find other Dragon ‘Changed Ones’ and enlist their help in the war with the humans. Edward, Wizard Noland, the Headmaster of the Franconian Wizards Academy, and Donovan must find out who protects the dragons in the Kingdom of Franconia.

Robert Jones is a skilled storyteller who excels at crafting imaginative details into the magical world. Characters are richly developed, with Donovan's struggle to forgive his father and master his magical skills juxtaposed against Edward's quest for redemption. The dynamic between them forms a solid emotional core. At the same time, the supporting cast—including the scheming Victor and the wise Headmaster Noland—is complex and well-written to exemplify themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the intricate web of alliances. I loved the way the author explores the idea of transformation. It offers a dual interpretation —literal and metaphorical. The dragons’ ability to shapeshift into humans is a powerful metaphor for the characters' hidden identities and inner conflicts, mirroring the more compelling conflict of races. Themes of vengeance, legacy, and the proverbial struggle between good and evil permeate the narrative. The Valor of Sorcerers is a great literary offering for fantasy fans, a tale with intricate world-building, memorable characters, and intriguing plot points.

K.C. Finn

The Valor of Sorcerers by Robert Jones is an epic young adult fantasy novel and the sequel to The Honor of Dragons. Set in the kingdom of Franconia, the story unfolds with the shocking return of dragons after a 200-year absence, as Battle Mage Edward’s son, Donovan, continues his studies at the Franconian Wizards Academy. Meanwhile, Edward, presumed dead, embarks on a perilous journey to discover who is hiding the dragons from humanity. As the Great Dragon Gek and his Sea Dragon mate, Azure, seek revenge for past atrocities, tensions rise between human kingdoms, setting the stage for an impending clash.

Author Robert Jones has crafted a richly detailed and immersive fantasy world that captivates readers from the very first page, and it’s clear to see this is an author who knows his worldbuilding inside out. The intricate lore surrounding the dragons and the political landscape of Franconia is well-explained to contextualize this sequel, bringing the setting to life in vivid detail and inviting readers to explore its complexities naturally through the characters’ interactions with the world. Jones also excels at creating relatable characters who undergo significant growth throughout the story, and Donovan’s journey to master magic is narrated with a close focus on his determination and struggles so that readers really feel for him. The emotional stakes are heightened more and more as readers witness his evolution, making it easy to root for his success as each thrilling moment of the plot challenges him more. The pacing is also expertly crafted, with plenty of thrilling action sequences and calmer moments of introspection that build tension right before the next twist. Overall, The Valor of Sorcerers is a superb sequel and a compelling fantasy read that I would highly recommend to fans of the existing series.

Jamie Michele

The Valor of Sorcerers by Robert Jones is the sequel to The Honor of Dragons. In this installment, Gek, a dragon who can transform into human form, and Donovan, a human at the Wizards Academy, return as protagonists as disquiet intensifies between dragons and humans. While Donovan advances in his studies, Gek and Azure seek out Changed Ones, dragons in human disguise, to rally them against the threat of war. Adapting to human life while gathering intelligence does not come naturally to Gek. Meanwhile, Victor, posing as the Court Wizard, orchestrates a strategy to provoke human nations into conflict. As Gek and Azure proceed in their mission and interact with humans, they uncover plots against their kind, confirming that an impending war and the fight for survival between humans and dragons is a matter of when not if. After a significant attack on Riverside marks a critical point in the fight for existence, factions on one side acknowledge the potential need for negotiations for peace.

I read book one in Robert Jones's series and was happy to throw myself back into the world of dragons and sorcerers with The Valor of Sorcerers. Jones's writing retains its ability to immerse, featuring graphically crafted characters. Aside from Gek and Donovan, Edward, a battle-hardened mage with a hidden agenda, and Azure, a cunning strategist who uses intelligence and resourcefulness to learn about human politicking, stand out. Everyone on both sides is in it to seek justice for their kin, and I love that we read from both sides. Jones's ability to lean into themes of betrayal, power, and survival makes the stakes feel real and urgent. The result is an organically brisk pace, with unexpected twists in even greater, more detailed world-building than before. Overall, this novel delivers a brilliant addition to The Honor of Dragons series, making it a must-read for fans of sorcerers, wizardry, and dragon-driven fantasy fiction.