The Watchers

Night of Light

Fiction - Visionary
272 Pages
Reviewed on 08/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

In The Watchers: Night of Light, Deirdra Eden takes us on an exhilarating journey into the world of mythical creatures and magic colliding in a war against evil. Aura and Azrael have returned to Earth to join the fight against the Legion. After centuries, the earth has transformed, with modern buildings, cities, and advanced technology. As Aura grapples with these changes, she must also learn to fight with a new and younger band of allies. Together with her old friends Andromeda and Alamar and her estranged sister Jazella, Aura battles the evil Erebus and Hazella. Ultimately, will victory be secured through the surprising emergence of a hidden army and ancient forces long thought lost?

In The Watchers: Night of Light, Deirdra Eden focuses on the theme of good versus evil. This is represented by Aura and her team of allies fighting the evil Legion, the Leviathan, and the Behemoth. The narrative is infused with relationship dynamics, such as the relationship between Aura and her sister Jazella which reflects the personal conflicts that arise amidst great challenges. Eden also emphasizes the importance of unity and community in overcoming evil within society. I loved the way she intertwined cultural folklore from various societies to illustrate the common thread in our shared stories. I highly recommend this book to fans of mythical and supernatural elements combined with epic battles and adventures. One of the most profound lines that will remain with me from this story is: "Those who don’t fight for their own freedom never appreciate it."