The Zondon

Fiction - Fantasy - General
510 Pages
Reviewed on 03/12/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boiling for Readers' Favorite

This story is refreshing and completely new in concept and legend. The details of the worlds created in this story are unique and beautiful, with a great plot. The characters are so vividly described, down to the places they go, the language, food and even street names they encounter.

The story is about seven sets of twins, one in each set must keep Earth free of the darkness covering the rest of the galaxy. They are extraterrestrials that need to be born on Earth to be able to use the elements from this planet. Earth is the key planet to keep the balance of the universe and thus they were commissioned for that task.

Each needs to learn to use a certain crystal in order to remember their lives before Earth. They all have dreams about stars and planets many times during their growing years and have been teased by their twins and families for that.

It`s tough to juggle this many characters and have such a complete and unique background for each. Any given character`s background was presented all at once; I felt a bit overwhelmed, at times. Smaller doses would have been easier to follow and much more entertaining.I still think this is a masterpiece of history mixed with Sci-Fi.

The research for this book was intense with very precise historical segments. The author’s knowledge of places, languages, customs, and everyday events seems extensive and thorough, perhaps the author grew up in the Middle East. It’s that good, it will surprise you.