There's No Such Thing As Digital Paintings

30 Years of (Mostly) Unseen Art by a (Pretty Much) Unknown Artist

Non-Fiction - Art/Photography
272 Pages
Reviewed on 09/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

There’s No Such Thing As Digital Paintings: 30 Years of (Mostly) Unseen Art by a (Pretty Much) Unknown Artist by N. Blake Seals is a quirky, insightful, and amazing journey into the world of digital art—specifically from the perspective of an artist who has spent decades creating it, largely unnoticed. Seals, a paramedic and organ transplant coordinator by day, uses this book as part autobiography and part art manifesto, all wrapped in a fascinating look at his creative journey over the last 30 years. As a traditional artist who recently earned a micro certification in graphic design, I couldn’t wait to read and view this book. I wasn’t disappointed. Throughout the book, Seals defends digital art as a legitimate medium, something he’s been exploring since his early days with a Macintosh computer.

N. Blake Seals takes readers through a vibrant collection of his many abstract digital compositions and graphic artwork while offering personal reflections on being an outsider in a world that often reserves artistic validation for traditional galleries and academia. His work is beyond excellent. There’s No Such Thing As Digital Paintings is so visually pleasing, it’s like a coffee table book with fun commentary. Adding to the fun are the “professional opinions” from Seals’ friend Gary, an art professor with an MFA, who humorously critiques Seals’ work, offering a professional perspective that balances Seals' often casual tone. In many ways, this book is as much about the art world’s shifting landscape as it is about Seals' own journey. I could write a book about how good this book is. A thousand stars!