Think Mortally!

A Survival Guide for Young Adults

Young Adult - Non-Fiction
155 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Think Mortally! is a comprehensive survival guide for young adults by B. Ryan Teller, featuring illustrations by Andrew Slobodianyk. It covers a wide range of essential life skills and safety tips, providing practical advice on topics such as sleep improvement, stress reduction, and good hygiene practices. The book also offers specific guidance on everyday situations, including cooking, cleaning, healthy eating, and safe driving. Additionally, it discusses more serious concerns such as workplace safety, responsible partying, traveling, and outdoor activities like hiking and swimming. The book also touches on emotional well-being, addressing stress and anxiety management, resilience building, and the cultivation of a positive attitude. With its focus on a safety-first mindset, Think Mortally! aims to empower readers to take control of their lives and make informed choices to ensure longevity.

Think Mortally! by B. Ryan Teller is a relatable and entertaining book that provides valuable lessons on how to navigate everyday life with confidence and wisdom. The author's use of humor and relatable anecdotes makes this an enjoyable read. Creative terms placed throughout the narrative like Nappuccino, meaning a well-needed nap, add a touch of whimsy. The fun illustrations bring the book to life and make the messages more accessible and memorable. This resource is fantastic for young adults seeking to cultivate confidence, wisdom, and self-awareness. Prioritizing safety is not only crucial for individual well-being but also has a positive impact on others and the environment. When we prioritize safety, we create a safer space for others to thrive, reducing the risk of accidents, injuries, and harm. Moreover, a safe environment promotes trust, respect, and community, fostering a culture of care and consideration for one another.