Till Marriage Do Us Part

A Novel

Fiction - Womens
369 Pages
Reviewed on 07/26/2024
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Author Biography

Bianca Bowers is an immigrant, best-selling poetry author, novelist and award-winning poetry editor. She holds a BA in English and Film/TV/Media Studies and has authored several books through her imprints Paperfields Press and Auteur Books.

She is known for her deeply personal writing style that seamlessly weaves cultural and literary references into work that is informed by life experience and inspired by love, relationships, personal evolution, and the human condition.

Bianca’s first poems were published in 1999, in the esteemed New Zealand poetry anthology, Tongue in your Ear. Since then, Bianca’s poems have appeared in various print anthologies, online journals and a trailer for a short film.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

Till Marriage Do Us Part by Bianca Bowers is a fun tale of love in the age of social media and the indomitability of the spirit. Bronte and Aden are running a successful vineyard in Queensland, Australia, in association with Aden’s father when the unthinkable happens. Aden’s father’s death and the subsequent discovery that the vineyard is mortgaged beyond their capabilities throw the couple into a traumatic time. This is not the first tragedy in Bronte’s life. Her entire family was killed when she was younger in a bushfire at their Barossa Valley winery. Aden and Bronte face this new tragedy very differently. For Aden, it is rage, anger, and self-pity. For Bronte, it is about picking up the pieces and making the best of what life has brought them. She rediscovers her childhood passion for writing and while Aden is abroad for three months in his new job, Bronte meets an intriguing new literary soulmate online, Luther, an aspiring poet and author based in Boston. Where will this flirty, social media encounter head and how will Bronte’s marriage survive the changes happening in their lives?

Till Marriage Do Us Part is a thoroughly enjoyable and satisfying read that not only explores the dynamics of social media relationships but also addresses gender issues, marriage, and polyamory. Many readers will readily identify with the power of social media relationships. The depth of feeling that develops in such a short time is something that frequently takes the participants by surprise in these relationships and the author does a tremendous job of highlighting this trait that seems unique to wi-fi relationships. What I particularly appreciated from author Bianca Bowers was the depth and growth of Bronte, as she rises like a phoenix from the metaphorical ashes of their failed vineyard to claim her identity and her passion. I enjoyed the author’s focus on love, as opposed to traditional institutions or relationships. What impressed me also was Aden’s maturity and growth as he came to terms with not only what was happening to him regarding his anger, his drinking, and especially his treatment of Bronte after the loss of the vineyard but also his preparedness to consider other possible relationship situations outside the marriage. For me, the takeaway was that allowing everyone in your life to reach for and achieve their potential is more important than the peripheral aspects of traditional relationships. If everyone is reaching for the stars, relationships and life will fall into place naturally. I also loved the poetry and literary aspects in the fabric of this novel. This is a relaxing, enjoyable, and satisfying read that I can highly recommend.