Timmy Meets the Tadpole Twins

Children - Grade 4th-6th
30 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

In Timmy Meets the Tadpole Twins by P. J. Lawton, Timmy goes to his grandparent’s farm each summer after school is out. He always loves going to their farm, because they do fun stuff with him, like hayrides, hiking in the woods, campfires and roasted marshmallows. His very favorite thing while at his grandparent's house was going fishing with Grandpa. Even though they never catch fish, it was just fun watching and listening to the birds and crickets and spending time together. Before Timmy has to leave, Grandma fixed a picnic lunch and they all went down to the creek. Timmy walked to the edge of the water. He heard someone talking. There was no one around except two frogs on a lily pad. The frogs pleaded for Timmy’s help.

I live on a farm and love the sound of the frogs talking to each other. I can easily imagine the Tadpole Twins asking for help and Timmy eagerly agreeing to help them. I love this book! The illustrations are bright and colorful. They are sure to catch the eye of the reader. The plot reminded me of my visits with my grandparents. The author clearly demonstrated the importance of the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. Grandparents have more time to spend with their grandchildren. There is something special that happens to parents when they become a grandparent. Lawton’s children’s book will bring back memories to adults and will help create memories in children. Every child’s summer should end with such an adventure.