
A Journey of Transfiguration

Fiction - Literary
416 Pages
Reviewed on 07/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Transit: A Journey of Transfiguration by Marty Malin is a journey through the tumultuous landscapes of the outer and inner worlds. Dr. Jessamyn Quilter, an emergency department physician, is trapped in a life lacking love and meaning, shackled by an abusive marriage. Faced with the suffocation of her existence, she takes a drastic step toward liberation, orchestrating a fateful plan to rid herself of her husband and start anew. But what seemed like the perfect plan backfires, and Jessamyn must begin a new journey of self-identity.

Transit takes an unexpected turn from general fiction to a thrilling adventure. The narrative unfolds as Jessamyn escapes aboard the MV Andaman Pearl, a container ship sailing from Yokohama to Rotterdam via the Suez Canal. However, her escape takes an unforeseen turn when Tamil Tiger terrorists hijack the ship. Jessamyn is thrust into the heart of chaos, forcing her to confront her demons in ways she never imagined. Marty Malin's narrative is a rollercoaster of action and suspense, with each plot twist revealing deeper layers of human frailty and resilience. This novel is a great read for anyone who is a fan of unconventional fiction with elements of surprise. What I especially like about Transit is how Malin writes Jessamyn. Readers will root for her and want her to finally find happiness. Malin has penned a cultural delight that will please readers who enjoy adventure novels and stories with female leads who escape from the flying monkeys and wake up in a field of poppies.