Uh-Oh! My Dragon's Hungry

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 03/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Uh-Oh! My Dragon's Hungry is a children's picture book written by Katie Weaver and illustrated by Caner Soylu. The story follows a young girl and her pet dragon, who has a habit of spitting fire whenever he gets hungry, causing chaos and making her duck for safety. On this particular day, the girl has to prepare lunch for her dragon as her mother is away. However, she struggles to decide what to feed him. Her imagination runs wild as she considers options like pizza, chocolate sauce, pancake towers, and tacos filled with frosting and candy. Eventually, she realizes that her dragon needs healthy foods like vegetables and a good steak. Will the dragon enjoy the food she serves him?

Uh-Oh! My Dragon's Hungry is an enjoyable and educational story that is bound to put a smile on your children's faces. Author Katie Weaver has combined imaginative and hilarious scenes to keep young readers engaged while also teaching the importance of eating healthy foods. The story explains how healthy foods nourish the body and taste good. As children can be picky eaters, they require guidance on what to eat. This tale introduces two relatable characters whom they can learn from. Aside from the wonderful message, the book also has colorful illustrations that complement the story, making it visually appealing to read. The vibrant colors and funny images are perfect for capturing children's attention. Overall, I highly recommend reading this book with your children to teach them about healthy foods and how to handle a hungry dragon.