Lisa's Ugly Glasses

By Erica Richardson

Lisa is an eleven-year-old fifth grader who has been extremely shy for as long as she can remember. Even getting called on in class causes her to panic. Her friend Jackie is shy as well, and it was only thanks to their parents that the...

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Stormwind of the North Country

By Jodi L. Auborn

Katherine (“Kat”) Normith is a 14-year-old girl who sees a beautiful horse, Stormwind, being abused by its owner, a vicious woman named Lorraine Stillwater. This lady is not only brutally neglectful of Stormwind and the other horses at her riding stables, but she is downright...

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A.K.A. Kidney Man

By Karen LoBello, Judy Voigt

Nick Cicero is an ordinary fifth grader when he finds out that he has a kidney disease that will change his life. After falling seriously ill, Nick learns that he was born with one kidney that didn’t work and now his other one is shutting...

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That's His Story
By Reginald P. Howard

Childhood memories always lurk silently in the recesses of our minds. Sweet, sour, bitter, they come in all tastes, shapes, and sizes. Mulling on them often brings a sense of satisfaction. Reggie: That's His Story by Reginald P Howard is an assortment of such memories...

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By Melanie J. Vogel

An unusual name, stained and hand-me-down clothes, and a penchant for flowers and insects are what make Myrtle Hitchabocker different from other students of Parkside Intermediate. She fails to fit in, as the school bullies frequently remind her, subjecting her to cruel pranks to boot....

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Nelson's Fun Fair Holiday

By Claire Carey

Nelson's Fun Fair Holiday is a children’s educational picture book written by Claire Carey and illustrated by India Danter. Nelson was beside himself with excitement over his trip to Ross-on-Wye. He would be staying with his Aunt Claire in her caravan at the carnival and...

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We Are Akan

Our People and Our Kingdom in the Rainforest - Ghana, 1807
By Dorothy Brown Soper

We Are Akan: Our People and Our Kingdom in the Rainforest — Ghana, 1807 by Dorothy Brown Soper is a blend of historical and coming-of-age, a story with a gripping setting that features life in the rainforests of Ghana in the 1800s. This book follows...

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Choosing Sides

By Karen Meyer

Growing up is hard to do. Sometimes you have to make difficult decisions, like choosing sides. Gilbert is feeling pressured by his father to stay on the family farm in Ohio and work alongside him. It’s the way things are done in the late nineteenth...

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Riley Madison Discovers the Superpower of a List

By June Akers

Do you frequently get distracted and end up doing something other than what you should be doing? Then you forget what you were supposed to do? And you end up on another tangent and the day just keeps on getting more and more complicated and...

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Precious Family, No Matter What

By Katie Didit

What defines a family? Is it a Mom and Dad and children born to these parents? Is it a Mom and Dad with adopted or foster children? Is it two Dads or two Moms caring for the children? Or grandparents caring for the children their...

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