Umijoo: The Wondrous Tale of a Curious Girl and Her Journey Under the Sea by Casson Trenor tells the story of a young girl. Umijoo lives with her father by the sea, which makes her feel so small. Much of their food comes from the...
Umijoo: The Wondrous Tale of a Curious Girl and Her Journey Under the Sea by Casson Trenor tells the story of a young girl. Umijoo lives with her father by the sea, which makes her feel so small. Much of their food comes from the...
Urban Playground: What Kids Say about Living in San Francisco by Katie Burke is a non-fiction book about fifty children ages five to nine who are growing up in San Francisco. For the first five children, the author asked questions about the makeup of their...
Q: What do you call a single ear of corn? A: A Unicorn. Laughter and smiles are important in everybody's lives. Unicorn Jokes for Kids plus How to Tell Jokes by Rich Linville is an entertaining book for readers who love unicorns. The unicorn jokes are funny...
A family of Unicorns lived in a giant mushroom. It was located on the magical hillside of Fairy Cornville. Papa Unicorn loved reading when he was not working and Mama Unicorn baked the best cookies and donuts. Their daughter Uwi Unicorn loved donuts. There...
Unique Starts with YOU! is a children’s picture book written by Jennifer Campbell and illustrated by Pardeep Mehra. Try to imagine seeing what makes you special or different as being your own amazing gift. It’s often hard for kids to see things this way. Being...
Uh-oh, Uncle Unruh by Sally Lee Baker is a tongue-twisting story about Uncle Unruh, a unicorn who enjoys riding unicycles. Unruh, Urla, and umpteen other unicorns ride unicycles together with calamitous results in this educational ‘U’ themed book. Unruh rides, falls off, remounts, and falls...
In Use Words (Little Bunny Series) by Dianne Miller, young readers see Little Bunny's mommy asking him to use words instead of screaming. Little Bunny is in the supermarket with his mommy and he wants candy. Little Bunny starts wailing when Mommy tells him they...
What is mindfulness? Picture this when you focus your mind on something specific, embrace and accept it; this is a part of the mindfulness process. Focus. Concentration. Connect. The Ultimate Mindfulness Activity Book: 150 Playful Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Teens (and Grown-Ups too!) by...
Meet Joy the horse in the story Unbridled Joy by Beth Stewart. Joy dislikes the saddle but a bridle is even worse. Joy's owner, Mr. Rangle, puts the bridle around Joy's head and tightens it to go for a ride. Though Joy sways his head,...
A little toy truck painted yellow and blue is resting under the tree along with the morning dew. A big, lazy dog is silently sleeping like a log under the tree whereas boys are retreating to the cool of its shade. There is an old...