The Dog That Followed Me Home
The Dog That Followed Me Home by Jennifer Yap Caspe is the story of a young girl who wants a baby brother. She feels sad when she doesn't get one as her parents tell her she will have to wait. One day, as she is...
The Dog That Followed Me Home by Jennifer Yap Caspe is the story of a young girl who wants a baby brother. She feels sad when she doesn't get one as her parents tell her she will have to wait. One day, as she is...
The Little Parrot and the Angel's Tears is a children's book written and illustrated by M. Anu Narasimhan. It is the author's retelling of a story that her grandmother told her when she was small, and which she, in turn, told her children. The little...
The Hare Who Wanted to Be a Falcon, a WantsToBe Book by Valerie Harmon features a young hare who is not content with being a hare and instead wants to be a falcon and fly. When she gets scooped up by the falcon and almost...
In Tales of the Gemstone Elves, Volume One: Beryl's Journey by Patricia Elizabeth Bennett, there once was a time when elves and humans lived peacefully together and worked side by side. Our story follows the gemstone elves, more specifically Beryl and Jasper as they travel...
The Legend of Christmas Magic is a tale within in a tale. Every child can enjoy this adorable and magical fable. A.D. Trosper has written a unique story around the legend of Father Christmas. Writing of the ancient traditions of Christmas and where they come...
The Magic Tree is an inspirational children's book written by Michal Y. Noah, Ph.D. and illustrated by Chrissy Fanslau. Magic is a young tree who's smaller than his dad and not as leafy as his mom, but he's quite happy with who he is. He's...
Princess Spatlina is a beautiful princess, even though her head is bald. She lives in the perfect kingdom of the Satisfied Land where her parents, the King and Queen, and its many unique ministers consulted around the not-so-round round table. The princess knew that one...
Tiny Paper Bird by Terri Kelleher is a heartwarming and captivating tale. The story begins as a group of children leave behind a fragile paper bird. The paper bird starts off on an adventure that will change its life. The paper bird comes...
In The Mysterious Mandolin by Aneta Cruz, all Mathelda wants is to be beautiful like her stepsister, Rosalynn. It's not a vicious desire, because Mathelda is not really like the wicked stepsisters in Cinderella. It's just a desire to be accepted as someone who is...
There is a watermark on the cover of The Moth and the Sun. If you look closely, you can see the outstretched wings of a moth. We tend to take moths for granted. In fact, many of us don't really like them. But they are...