The Elisha Way

Preparing for the Double Portion
By Michael B. French

The young adults of today are searching for something; unfortunately, they have no idea what they are searching for or where to look for it. They turn to Islam, Wicca, Paganism, Buddhism, and Hinduism but somehow they avoid Christianity. At one time beliefs and faith...

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Discovering the Person of Holy Spirit

By Alexys V Wolf

"Holy Spirit Who: Discovering and Getting to Know the Person of Holy Spirit" by Alexys V. Wolf is a spiritual journey to discover who the Holy Spirit is and the role the Spirit plays in our lives. Much like the author I grew up in...

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Finding Redemption in Everyday Life

By Lela Gillow Buchanan

"Finding Redemption in Everyday Life" by Lela Gillow Buchanan will bless many people. In the Introduction Buchanan speaks candidly about her doubts, her despair and her desire to stop hurting. She reminds me of one point of my life. Her words are descriptive of the...

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The Father's Love

By Dave Moore

"The Father’s Love" is an emotionally charged and inspiring short novel written by Dave Moore. This story is inspired by true events and real people. Dave Moore’s son, David, is a freshman in college who is facing difficult times when he suddenly leaves a note...

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One Nation Under Curse

By Dr. Richard C. Harris

This book is about the infamous KKK, or Ku Klux Klan and it is very informative. I learned more about the organization than I ever knew. The "Curse" which the title of the book refers to is the curse of racism that is handed down...

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Crushing the Devil

Your Guide to Spiritual Warfare and Victory In Christ
By Pedro Okoro

"Crushing the Devil" will open your eyes and astound you with things about the devil you never thought were possible! This novel hit home for me because it came at the right time in my life to open my eyes to the real power we...

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The Girl's Still Got It

Take a Walk with Ruth and the God Who Rocked Her World
By Liz Curtis Higgs

I was honored to meet Ms Higgs at a book fair and again at the taping of the DVD that goes along with this book. Every time I meet her I become teary eyed and giddy. She never puts on airs and she always makes...

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My Message is C.L.E.A.R.

Hope and Strength in the Face of Life's Greatest Adversities
By Gabe Murfitt with Gigi Devine Murfitt

Gabe Murfitt and his mother Gigi Devine Murfitt have provided us with a wonderfully inspirational book in “My Message is C.L.E.A.R.: Hope and Strength in the Face of Life’s Greatest Adversities.” C.L.E.A.R. is an acronym created by Gabe that explains his focus on how to...

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My Emily

By Matt Patterson

I've always heard that a Downs Syndrome child is so precious with a blooming and wonderful personality and always smiling. After I read Matt Patterson’s book about his daughter Emily, I can truly agree. As you can imagine, Matt and his wife Bonnie were beyond...

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The New Name of God Rules

The Trinity God Has Now Taken Control Over The Earth
By M K Wilbanks

Monika Wilbanks is a now ordained Deaconess who once travelled the world doing missionary work until she met her spiritual teacher, Olumba Olumba Obu, the man who ordained her. Ms.Wilbanks knows her history quite well as she speaks of Africa being the cradle of civilization...

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