Resurrection is the first book in The Martyr Series by MC Hunton. Darius Jones lived in New York City with no excitement, just existing. All he wanted was to survive, live to see another day, and do his best. With no one to live for...
Resurrection is the first book in The Martyr Series by MC Hunton. Darius Jones lived in New York City with no excitement, just existing. All he wanted was to survive, live to see another day, and do his best. With no one to live for...
By the time Janice, the estranged wife of an FBI director, begins to realize that her new lover, James Goodwin, a member of the Nationalist Christian Republic of America (a new country now seceded from the USA), and its president, Lee, are dangerous men out...
In Rude Awakenings by Christopher Carrolli, Jamie dreams of shadowy figures and a painful procedure involving her deceased mother, which she suspects might be real abductions after discovering Dylan Rasche's book on similar experiences. Nadine Parks, who saw a UFO, believes her dreams align with...
Red Mist by Sam Mitani is a high-octane thriller that plunges readers into a world of espionage, international intrigue, and relentless action. The story follows Max Koga, a former Naval Intelligence officer turned undercover agent, as he navigates a dangerous mission to thwart a terror...
In Rem’s Chance by Dave J. Andrae, Rem has a tough time with his lover, Dita, who becomes his ex-fiancee. He meets an old friend, Gene, when an unfortunate event brings them together after many years of not speaking to each other. It is the...
Romance in Evergreen: Heart of Evergreen by Mary L. Schmidt is the second book in the series. Two friends of Kim and Nancy were killed in Boston by an assassin, and his next targets were Kim, Nancy, and others close to them. Homeland Security took...
In Ring of Conspiracy, the second installment of The Volya Series by J. Robert Kinney, a powerful terrorist group emerges, originating from old Russia but with modern global ambitions. Their violent actions throw the world into chaos, exposing deep-rooted connections and revealing sympathizers within the...
Gitte Tamar’s novel Run, Run, Baby begins in a kindergarten classroom, where a young girl named Chloe wakes up from a terrifying daydream and soils herself with urine. Her mother arrives to pick her up from school after she has been embarrassed by her classmates...
If you enjoy conspiracy thrillers, Lee Fishman's Raw Deal is just the book for you. After the untimely death of her brother, Joe, at a military base in Saudi Arabia, Sandi Brennan, who is in her second year at Temple Law, accepts an offer for...
Red Deuce by Thomas Roehlk is a fascinating legal thriller with two incredible protagonists, twin sisters, Mandy and Reggie Doucette, who are both at the top of their respective careers. Reggie was an FBI pathologist, while Mandy was a corporate lawyer. The story begins as...