Body Language

It's All About You!
By Stanley G Buford

Body Language: It’s All About You! is a short book that contains much information about body language. Readers will learn the secrets of body language, specifically how body language is an expression of emotion. Author Stanley G Buford explains the relevance of everyday poses and...

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Beyond the Tiger Mom

East-West Parenting for the Global Age
By Maya Thiagarajan

Beyond the Tiger Mom: East-West Parenting for the Global Age is a parenting book that tries to strike a balance between the Asian and Western ways of raising children. Author Maya Thiagarajan is a practicing teacher and has experienced both worlds, and this gives her...

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Beyond Deportation

The Role of Prosecutorial Discretion in Immigration Cases
By Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia

With the presidential election heating up, a hot topic at the forefront is deportation. The focus has been on illegal immigrants. Author Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia, a child of immigrant parents, who has lived in the U.S. all of her life, has a passion to see...

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Build Your Computer Skills

By Luke Mathius Harlow

Build your Computer Skills by Luke Mathius Harlow is a book full of useful information about using a PC. This book has an easy to understand step by step approach, suitable both for a beginner and an experienced user. It covers almost all the jobs...

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Becoming the Difference in a Hopeful Classroom

By Felicia Saffold

A wonderful guide for the new teacher, Felicia Saffold’s Becoming the Difference in a Hopeful Classroom is an insider’s look into the true reality of entering the classroom as its leader. Peppered with her personal experiences, starting as a child with a true love of...

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Ballad Divine

By Dev Bhattacharyya

Ballad Divine is a unique translation of the Bhagavad Gita by Dev Bhattacharya, written in verse form. The Gita was intended to be an epic poem and, in translating it into verse form, the English reader can appreciate the beauty and drama of this form....

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Beginner ESL Lesson Plans for English Tutors

Section 1 Inspired By English
By Zhanna Hamilton

Beginner ESL Lesson Plans for English Tutors: Section 1 (Inspired By English) by Zhanna Hamilton is an educational and informational book that is helpful to all English tutors. Tutoring can be challenging for a freelance English tutor. This book makes the process of teaching English...

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Birdsong Bread

Methods and Recipes for Honest Bread
By Luke Och

As Luke Och quoted Carol Field, “Bread is made from just flour, water, salt, and yeast. Just as the earth is made from just earth, air, fire, and water.” Och also tells his readers that, "It is important for the baker to understand the anatomy...

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Behind the Teacher's Desk

The Rules Were Made for Everyone but Me
By Chris Williams

In Behind the Teacher’s Desk by Chris Williams, readers follow Claire Hebert, a high school instructor, through the second term of a high school year. While Claire’s hours are filled with student requests, class preparation, instruction, hall duty, extracurricular activities, and more, she longs to...

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Building Better Humans

The Book You Wish Your Parents Had
By Authors: David Davoust & Lisa Davoust Illustrator: Abigail Davoust

Building Better Humans by David and Lisa Davoust is the book I wish I’d had over 30 years ago when we first found out we were going to be parents. What David and Lisa Davoust have written about raising children, who will become tomorrow’s happy,...

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