Make Your Own Rainbow

You Need Never Again be a Victim of Your Emotions
By Leonard Ryzman

Author Leonard Ryzman, in his book entitled Make Your Own Rainbow, helps readers better understand how they can rise above negative circumstances and truly enjoy life. Found within the book are plenty of positive examples that readers can draw from and find encouragement for their...

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Murdered on the Streets of Tombstone

By Joyce Aros

Murdered on the Streets of Tombstone by Joyce Aros is an intriguing book about one of the most controversial events in America's late 1800s. Readers are transported to a Midwest lifestyle of cowboys, frontier men and women, farmers, raiders, saloons, gambling, and of course gunmen....

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Messages from the Pastor's Desk

By Dr Jerry L. Jones Sr

Messages from the Pastor's Desk by Dr Jerry L. Jones is a motivating and uplifting book that makes the reader delve into their relationship with society and God. The book speaks about the power, love, and grace of God and His blessings in your life....

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Memoirs of a Technical Consultant

By Prasad Ram

Memoirs of a Technical Consultant by Prasad Ram is an autobiography where the author speaks about his travels; and shares the wonderful moments he experienced, the interesting people he met, and the beautiful places he visited that changed his perspective forever. I enjoyed the book. Autobiographies...

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Mary Magdalene Beckons

Join the River of Love
By Mercedes Kirkel

"Mary Magdalene Beckons" by Mercedes Kirkel is an outstanding spiritual, self-help book, which is based entirely on the very close contact the author had with Mary Magdalene. Twenty-five channeled messages, followed by comments and the author’s personal spiritual journey during this communication with Mary, lead...

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Murders Most Foul

And the School Shooters in Our Midst
By Rebecca Coffey

Rebecca Coffey explores the topic of school shootings and tragedies at the hands of seemingly innocent individuals, individuals we see and interact with on a daily basis. I remember Columbine very vividly and reading the description of this tragedy and many others that span the...

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My Druthers

Just one guy's dreams and ideas of how to make the world a better place, and return America to democracy
By Art Rude

Art's stated goal in writing this book is to make the world a better place and return America to democracy. He does both. He doesn't pull any punches about the people, institutions, or beliefs that he feels are damaging to making the world better. He...

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Make A Choice

By Beyr Reyes

Make A Choice is a book that will challenge the reader to truly examine the depths of his or her beliefs. The book is divided into two sections. The first section is "Choose Your Belief." Too many claim to believe but have little idea what...

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Mrs. O

The Face of Fashion Democracy
By Mary Tomer

This is an interesting book, telling about the life and fashion of Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States. She is a remarkable woman both in her day to day life as well as in her sense of fashion. When you read Mrs. O,...

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