
Tales & Tools to Survive a Bad Boss & Have Fun at Work
By Jake Brown

Leadershit: Tales & Tools to Survive a Bad Boss & Have Fun at Work by Jake Brown is an interesting and informative read emphasizing problematic bosses at the office. The book involves stories from Brown’s career illustrating the demoralizing situations encountered under bad leadership. It...

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Leading What Matters Most

A Business Parable on Unlocking Human Potential
By Phil Geldart

Leading What Matters Most by Phil Geldart has the subtitle 'A Business Parable on Unlocking Human Potential,' which provides an excellent book summary. The author creates an imaginary company with imaginary problems that could easily exist in the real business world today. He then invents...

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Leaving Corporate America

My Top 10 Surprising Discoveries Shifting from Executive to Entrepreneur
By Bonnie A Ross

Leaving Corporate America by Bonnie A. Ross details her journey from a corporate executive to an entrepreneur, making it a valuable resource for others looking to make a similar transition. The book offers her ten discoveries that provide insight and guidance for individuals considering this...

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Leadership Legacy

Discover, Create, Live Your Best Life!
By Kerry K. Fierke

Leadership Legacy: Discover, Create, Live Your Best Life! is a work of non-fiction in the educational, advice, and leadership genres. Kerry K. Fierke presents a comprehensive guide that navigates readers through the intricacies of effective leadership in today's rapidly changing world. Drawing from her extensive...

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Leader, Not a Boss

Start Leading Today
By Benjamin Babic

Leader, Not a Boss: Start Leading Today by Benjamin Babic is a guide for new managers. As the title implies, the author writes that managers should not be the traditional “I’ll tell you what to do and you do it” type but should be leaders...

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Lighting Diagrams

Third Edition
By Brian Parkin

Lighting Diagrams by Brian Parkin is a practical, concise resource for any beginner photographer. Parkin simplifies the complex nature of studio lighting in an easy-to-use book consisting of descriptions alongside diagrams and examples. This book would be most beneficial for estimating the best position for...

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Lost and Found

Coming of Age in the Washington Press Corps
By Ellen Hume

Lost and Found: Coming of Age in the Washington Press Corps by Ellen Hume is a stunning personal manifesto and commitment to making a difference where the odds are high. Ellen knows that as a woman, becoming a newspaper reporter in an industry dominated by...

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Life, the Universe, and Curing Everything

Leadership Practices for Changing the World
By Hans Keirstead

Life, the Universe, and Curing Everything: Leadership Practices for Changing the World is a combined memoir and leadership guide by Hans Keirstead. The author uses examples from his life to teach leadership skills that can help you make a difference in the world. He experienced...

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Leaving In Style

Business Succession On Your Terms
By Janise Graham

Running a successful business and passing it on to someone else is one of the hardest things for any business owner or entrepreneur. How can you ensure a smooth transition and authorize a retirement plan that benefits the business and yourself? Discover the answers to...

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Lost and Found

Assemblage Artists of Northern California
By Spencer Brewer, Esther Siegel

There are objects that we may consider worthless, but in the hands of a skilled artist, they can be transformed into real works of art. If like me, you are curious to discover how artists can create unusual products by assembling various items, this book...

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