Malled: A Tale of Revenge by Lee Tidball focuses on Hector Chevas, a young street punk with a talent for architectural design who saves a young girl from being raped by a gang. Janey falls in love with him, a love which doesn't fade over...
Malled: A Tale of Revenge by Lee Tidball focuses on Hector Chevas, a young street punk with a talent for architectural design who saves a young girl from being raped by a gang. Janey falls in love with him, a love which doesn't fade over...
In his ingenious novel My Vacation in Hell, Gene Twaronite explores what hell would be like from the perspective of a young unpopular boy. In hell, John and his friend Virgil face a number of adventurous, even comical situations as they come face to face...
Mantequero by Jenny Twist is a short story built upon an old Spanish superstition. Also known as Sacamantecas, Mantequero featured in a story parents told their children, to keep them from wandering too far from home. Not at all unlike probably every culture that has...