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Tom and the Troubled Teens

Suicide Seth
By Gary Turcotte

Tom accepted the job as substitute guidance counselor at a private school where there was a high rate of suicides. The former counselor had a “red” file of troubled teens who shared in the Suicide Club. Most of the students seemed comfortable talking to Tom,...

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Comfortably Unaware

Global depletion and food responsibility... What you choose to eat
By Richard A. Oppenlander

On my radio show I’ve heard stories from victims of every type of abuse and their heroic attempts to recover and live safe, sane lives. Now, Dr. O powerfully defends equal rights to prevent animal abuses. His book has made me visualize the horrific lives...

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Finding Your Road to Success

How to get there without getting lost
By Patrick Daniel CA

Patrick Daniel’s “Finding Your Road to Success” is a very interesting read. The book is inspirational in many ways. There are over eight chapters in the book. Each chapter contains message for finding the road to success. Chapter 1 introduces reaching “above average” goals,...

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Brutus the Baby Snatcher

Beware of the Dog
By Gary Turcotte

Bart was named after his Uncle Bartlett. After returning from Vietnam where he was a POW, Barlett was never the same. He and three other POWs bought a small farm and dwelt together. At first they raised pot then they moved into dog fighting. They...

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Begotten Son

By David Lynn Anderson

This book by a highly talented author is filled with mystery, humor and the paranormal. Each of the characters in this novel had flaws that spoke of who they were as an individual, yet they were blended awesomely with each other and the plot line....

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The Amish Midwife

The Women of Lancaster County
By Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE Amish lover. Books, quilts, food, dolls, you name the Amish thing, and I'm right there with bells on to tell you that I have it. Anyone who knows me also knows that I...

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Seduced by Destiny

By Kira Morgan

Josselin Ancrum has been taught to fight by her three fathers. She wants to avenge her mother's death at the hands of the English. Drew MacAdam is in Scotland to play golf. He too was taught by his three uncles to fight. They wanted him...

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Getting To Know Jesus - Volume One

Building Your Relationship with the Son of God
By Glen M. Copple

Glen Copple, like many of us, was “raised in the church.” A sign which hung in the church read, “Only one life, will soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last!” That sign called to him over and over. He served as...

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Race War

America's Worst Nightmare
By La-Temus Marshall

When Senator Bob Lowe, a very conservative, white lawmaker from Alabama, starts thinking that the white race is thinning out due to interracial marriages and the growing number of mixed heritage children being born in America, he thinks he has come up with a plan...

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He Kan't Kill Your Future

For I Know the Plans I Have for You Declares the Lord
By Sharquent Webster

He Kan't Kill Your Future is the story of Sharquent Webster and her life growing up on the streets of Los Angeles. It took her hitting rock bottom to realize that God indeed had a plan for her life. At the age of six or seven,...

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Beat Binge Drinking

A Smart Drinking Guide for Teens, College Students and Young Adults Who Choose to Drink
By Donna J. Cornett

Beat Binge Drinking: A Smart Drinking Guide for Teens, College Students and Young Adults Who Choose to Drink by Donna J. Cornett, M.A., addresses the issues of social drinking head-on. Cornett reviews the hard facts and then guides readers through the maze of considerations in...

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What Did You Do Before Dying?

By Patricia K. Batta

Marge Christensen finds her husband, Gene, dead in their garage, slumped over the steering wheel of his still running BMW. Since Gene had recently learned of a terminal illness, the police rule the death a suicide, but Marge isn’t ready to believe Gene killed...

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The China-Africa Parallax

A Ryan and Gillian Mystery
By Larry K. Andrews

It’s an ominous threat. Representatives of China and Africa are conspiring to steal research data from major US universities. They are serious, deadly serious and will kill anyone who gets in their way in order to achieve their ultimate goal of global economic and military...

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Hot Enough to Kill

By Paula Boyd

Hot Enough To Kill by Paula Boyd centers around Kickapoo, Texas. Jolene Jackson returned to Texas to get her mother Lucille, a female version of Dirty Harry, out of jail. After her boyfriend was murdered, she was the suspect. The mother and daughter teamed up...

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The Jefferson Key

A Novel
By Steve Berry

Four Presidential assassinations linking back to this government group. Lincoln, Jackson, McKinley, Kennedy and our fictional President Danny Daniels. Steve Berry envelops the reader from page one as he recounts the events in detail of the attempt of Jackson’s life and then fast forwards to...

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Blotto, Twinks and the Ex-King's Daughter

By Simon Brett

This totally mysterious book with a twisted plot is a page-turner. I enjoyed the plot and the twisted way that the author keeps you guessing to the end. The story is that of two siblings who are amateur detectives. One, the man Blotto, is...

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Ducks on the Pond

A Love Letter to the Sport of Baseball
By R. Scott Murphy

Ducks On The Pond by R. Scott Murphy is a tribute to the sport of baseball. It seems that Americans of all ages love this sport. Murphy expresses his fascination with the sport through poetry, short story and essay. There is something special about the...

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Altered Egos

By Bill Kitson

With the proper training, an ordinary man can become a stone cold killer, especially when his mind is clouded by mood altering drugs. But, what happens when he loses everything he loves? Does the intense grief of his loss cause him to become a lethal...

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Dead Man Falls

Jolene Jackson Mysteries
By Paula Boyd

Dead Man Falls by Paula Boyd is book two in her Jolene Jackson Mystery series and I have to say it’s as hilarious as the first book. Once again Jolene is back in Kickapoo, Texas this time for her mother’s big birthday bash. This is...

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By S.L. Pierce

Gwen Michaels moved to California two years ago to start fresh, hoping her past could stay secret forever. One day the unexpected happens, a hired killer shows up and tries to end her life. She immediately assumes her cover is blown but finds that isn’t...

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