An Extra-Ordinary Mystery

Children - Mystery
124 Pages
Reviewed on 06/20/2024
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Author Biography

I've always felt everyone has their own special gift and that it's important to embrace it, whatever it is. You can't go out into the world and help others until you feel confident in who you are. Combine that with the fact that I love a good mystery, and Voila!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

An Extra-Ordinary Mystery by Carla Solomon is the perfect mystery story for young readers. It follows Amber Gable, an 11-year-old gifted girl, as she uses her extra-ordinary gifts to help others in many ways, including her mother to stop hiding her true self. After one unfortunate incident, her mother decided to lock her gifts away and told Amber to do the same. When they find their new home, Amber catches a glimpse of her old mom and hopes to find a way to convince her mom to return to her wonderful, extra-ordinary self. While unpacking, Amber sees a black cat with blue eyes and follows it. The cat leads her to an old gazebo where she discovers something. Shortly after, Amber learns something interesting about their new house and the people who used to live in it. Then, she and her new friend go on a treasure hunt, unraveling riddles and hidden secrets.

An Extra-Ordinary Mystery is a greatly entertaining and compelling story. It touched my heart and brought smiles to my face. There's no doubt that this is a must-read for every child, especially those interested in a fascinating story featuring mystery, adventure, riddles, a black cat, a treasure box, missing letters, ribbons, a secret room, and more. This book conveys powerful messages that will resonate with children of all ages. Amber's story inspires young readers to stay true to themselves, never doubt themselves, never hide their true selves, help others, and trust themselves. You should be prepared to devour this book in one sitting and will yearn for more of Carla Solomon's stories.