Becoming Fearless

65 Strategies to Journey from Self-Doubt to Self-Mastery

Non-Fiction - Self Help
154 Pages
Reviewed on 09/21/2024
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Author Biography

Dr. Benjamin Ritter, founder of Live for Yourself (LFY) Consulting and award-winning, Amazon best-selling author of Becoming Fearless, is an international leadership and career coach, Senior Talent Management Consultant, Top LinkedIn Voice, global speaker, and host of two podcasts, The Executive and Live Fearlessly.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Joe Wisinski for Readers' Favorite

Becoming Fearless, by Dr. Benjamin Ritter, teaches readers how to overcome the anxieties that may be holding them back in their personal or professional lives. The book is divided into two main sections, the first addressed to readers on a personal level and the second for those working in professional situations. Ritter’s book is more than a repetition of self-help platitudes. The author encourages readers to “take action,” which is a phrase that occurs frequently in the book. The author also provides an additional resource to his readers by including a QR code to a “Becoming Fearless Worksheet.” Ritter has a doctorate in organizational leadership and runs a consulting organization, where he has taught his principles to thousands of people at well-known companies.

Everyone who wants to improve their self-confidence and/or advance in their career should read Becoming Fearless by Dr. Benjamin Ritter. One excellent piece of advice that meant a lot to me was, “If you’re in a nervous situation, look at it as being excited instead.” Another was, “List your accomplishments.” I know from personal experience how much this practice can help overcome self-doubt, so it was good to see that Ritter included it. I liked that the author understands the importance of easy-to-read text, so he utilizes plenty of white space. Every other page is a pull quote from the previous page, which both makes for easy reading and emphasizes the main point that he just wrote about. Most of all, I liked how he writes that becoming fearless is a choice. The first choice anyone who wants to change their life should make is to read Becoming Fearless.

Pikasho Deka

What if you could live a life without worrying about what tomorrow will bring and pursue your dreams without fear? Dr. Benjamin Ritter is a leadership coach, executive consultant, and podcaster with over twenty years of executive-level experience. In Becoming Fearless, Ritter introduces 65 strategies to help you conquer all your fears affecting your personal and professional lives. Cut out the negative aspects of your life, change how you interpret your situations, embrace beliefs that take you forward, be honest with yourself, aim higher, trust your instincts, reflect upon yourself, forge meaningful connections, be self-aware, and practice gratitude and mindfulness. Professionally, celebrate your success, find a work-life balance, look for new opportunities, show your value to your peers, cultivate trust, lead with optimism, put feedback into practice, delegate, communicate efficiently and effectively, be curious, and hold yourself and others accountable.

Becoming Fearless will help you navigate the challenges in your personal and professional life with clarity, self-belief, and confidence. This is a comprehensive transformative guide that will help you get what you want without fear, self-doubt, and regret bringing you down. All the strategies explored in this book are practically applicable in everyday life. This makes the handbook different from so many other self-help guides. I was very impressed by how Dr. Benjamin Ritter encapsulated these topics in summaries that are brief yet thorough and informative. There is no wasted word, and it makes the book all the more engaging and accessible to read. If you think your intrusive thoughts overwhelm you and pull you down or external factors stop you from realizing your fullest potential, this book is for you.

Foluso Falaye

In Becoming Fearless, Dr. Benjamin Ritter shares tips and practical steps for overcoming fear and achieving excellence regardless of intimidating situations. Whether you wish to conquer fear in your personal life or you hope to drown your fearful voice while making important career decisions, you will find the answers you seek in this book. Divided into two parts, the first part focuses on personal struggles, elaborating on dealing with the mindset, success, relationships, and purpose. The second part addresses fear-based problems in the professional world. It includes eye-opening essays on job satisfaction, leadership presence, and career growth. The book is loaded with logical suggestions and concise lessons that will help you build relationships, connect with your true self, and carve a promising path for yourself in your career.

From practical tips to impactful lines that inspire readers to act immediately, Dr. Benjamin Ritter's messages are presented engagingly. Short paragraphs and well-titled sections make it easy to search for and pick any topic that calls to you. While reading the deeply profound lessons, I could tell that the author's suggestions are genuine and not just a mirror of other self-help books. I especially loved the chapter that revealed how your purpose is not something you find or receive from another person but something you choose to create. Prepare for a balanced mix of self-awareness tips and important professional topics, including elevating your performance and avoiding burning out. Overall, Becoming Fearless is filled with gems that will help those seeking to overcome self-doubt and their consistent negative inner voice. Also, its useful career lessons act as a master key to opening locked doors and unrealized work opportunities.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Dr. Benjamin Ritter reveals sixty-five strategies to help readers live without fear in his book, Becoming Fearless. In the chapters outlining personal growth, Dr. Ritter identifies fear and shows readers ways to process it. He teaches how to identify emotions and embrace them, rewrite reactions, end toxic relationships, eliminate negative self-talk, make commitments in less time, and strengthen valuable connections. The professional section discusses approaches to secure the job you want or improve your current career. The author emphasizes attitude, achievement, connections, significance, work fulfillment, executive presence, and professional development, assisting readers in making more empowered and authentic choices.

Dr. Benjamin Ritter helps you be responsible for your happiness and success. He provides all the encouragement and motivation you need to be "fearless" as you make impactful and informed decisions. Best of all, you already have the skills you need to apply the methods in this book. You can take action right away and enjoy a happier, healthier life. The author has over two decades of experience in Leadership and Talent Development, making his advice invaluable. Reading this book is like having a revealing conversation with Dr. Ritter, in which he dispenses wisdom for you to absorb and initiate action. As a bonus, Dr. Ritter supplies a link to a free worksheet to help you get started on your journey to self-improvement. Readers who hope to improve their confidence, significantly reduce or eliminate fear-based anxiety, and maintain a positive outlook will benefit from reading Becoming Fearless.

Carol Thompson

If you’re trying to conquer self-doubt and unlock your inner potential, Becoming Fearless: 65 Strategies to Journey from Self-Doubt to Self-Mastery by Dr. Benjamin Ritter might be the guide you've been searching for. This self-help book offers 65 clear and actionable strategies to help readers build confidence, overcome fears, and adopt a more empowered mindset. What’s great about this book is that it’s structured in a way that’s accessible—you can easily take away practical insights from each one-page tip without feeling overwhelmed by theory or jargon. The book focuses on personal and professional growth, making it a versatile tool for anyone striving to enhance their mindset, relationships, or career.

Dr. Benjamin Ritter’s tone is encouraging without being preachy, making the reader feel they’re receiving advice from a trusted mentor rather than a distant expert. His strategies are simple but effective, offering an achievable roadmap to self-mastery. One of the most vital elements of Becoming Fearless is how applicable the advice is to everyday life. Whether you want to become more successful in your career or seek deeper fulfillment in your relationships, the book offers something for everyone. The emphasis on building resilience and leadership presence benefits those navigating the professional world, while the personal insights on relationships and purpose give you tools for emotional growth. For anyone feeling weighed down by self-doubt or looking for a shift in their mindset, Becoming Fearless is a solid pick and gives you the strategies to live life on your own terms, free from the chains of fear and self-doubt. It's a perfect book for teens and adults.