Binjamin The Dumpster

Children - Adventure
32 Pages
Reviewed on 05/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Binjamin The Dumpster is a children’s picture book written by David Smith with illustrations by Mauro De La Tierra. The story follows Binjamin, a dumpster that lives a simple life in the shadow of a pet shop on top of a hill. His job is simple but tiring; he gives himself pep talks to lift his spirits and is always cheered up by an old man who visits daily to empty Binjamin by lifting him for a brief moment. These moments spark his imagination and make him dream of exploring the world beyond his spot. One day, he takes the opportunity to run for it when the old man comes to empty him. His journey does not go as planned, but it teaches him a vital lesson about his purpose and having hope.

Binjamin The Dumpster is a heartwarming story that explores themes of finding one's purpose, overcoming trauma, and adapting to life's twists and turns. It is a valuable resource for anyone who loves to explore and find inspiration, making it a great read for children and parents alike. David Smith uses a friendly tone to narrate the story and keep it engaging. He uses simple words that make the book accessible. Children will find it easy to understand and follow, and the corresponding illustrations make it look vibrant and eye-catching. Young readers will be drawn to the bright colors and fall in love with the relatable characters. This is a unique and entertaining story, and I enjoyed reading it. I recommend sharing this book with your children to teach them about being adventurous, hopeful, and confident in themselves.