Bold & Chosen

Poetry - General
51 Pages
Reviewed on 10/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Bold & Chosen by Lillie Diaz is a compelling blend of poetry, stories, and personal essays that navigate themes of faith, resilience, and healing. The collection is deeply personal, drawing from Diaz's own experiences of trauma and redemption. The poem “Love Letter to My Father” captures a raw and intimate conversation with God, revealing the struggles and spiritual awakening that shape Diaz’s journey. It poignantly addresses feelings of abandonment and a search for meaning, finding solace in the unwavering love of the divine. The short story “Home Away from Home” is a touching exploration of identity and belonging. It centers on a young girl named Hope, who moves frequently due to her father's military career. The story skillfully portrays the challenges of being “the new kid” and the desire to fit in while incorporating a supernatural twist that adds depth and intrigue. Hope’s encounter with a mysterious girl named Robin catalyzes the uncovering of buried family secrets, making for a moving and thought-provoking narrative.

Diaz writes with an emotional depth that will connect with anyone who has faced hardship and sought spiritual comfort. Her writing frequently emphasizes the transformative power of faith, with her Christian beliefs serving as a guiding force throughout the book. Her prose flows masterfully, and it’s a collection readers will want to refer to often. Bold & Chosen is a testament to overcoming adversity and embracing one’s faith as a source of strength. Diaz's writing is sincere and evocative, making this collection a literary work and a spiritual journey that inspires readers to seek light in even the darkest of times.