
Young Adult - Horror
290 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Sarah McKnight’s Carousel is a riveting YA horror story that centers around Laura Fitzpatrick, an 18-year-old introvert, and her crush, Maddie, who navigate the terrifying events that unfold after a fateful Halloween night. The novel opens with Laura, dressed as her favorite killer, at a raucous Halloween party, where strobe lights transform the living room into a chaotic frenzy. Laura's internal struggle is palpable as she oscillates between embracing the party spirit and retreating into her comfort zone. This dynamic is amplified by her costume, which gives her the confidence to step outside herself, if only temporarily. Laura’s reluctance, rooted in her knowledge of horror tropes, adds a layer of irony that horror fans will appreciate. The tension escalates when the group transitions to a game of truth-or-dare, where secrets are revealed, and relationships are tested. The opening sets the tone for Laura proving her bravery to Maddie and her classmates by accepting the dare to go to an abandoned carnival ground known as Plum Creek Carnival. This is where the true meaning of horror and an ancient secret is unearthed.

Sarah McKnight’s character and plot development are noteworthy. There’s great tension building from the very beginning. As the story progresses, the introduction of the Ouija board marks a shift from the mundane to the supernatural. Laura’s tentative attempts at social interaction, especially with her lab partner Maddie, are endearingly awkward yet relatable. The portrayal of Laura’s introversion, contrasted with the vibrant, chaotic party environment, creates an engaging dichotomy that readers will find both captivating and authentic. Laura’s evolution from a shy, hesitant teenager to someone who faces her fears head-on is compelling. Her interactions with Maddie are particularly well-crafted, showing the complexities of teenage crushes and the yearning for acceptance. Carousel stands out for its atmospheric storytelling and its ability to weave horror elements seamlessly into the narrative. Overall, this is a masterfully crafted YA horror novel that combines spine-chilling thrills with the timeless fear of the unknown.