CeeJay and the Firefly

The Power of Saying Yes

Children - Picture Book
29 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

CeeJay and the Firefly is a children's picture book written by Lynn Jaeger with illustrations by Sherri Marteney. The story follows a furry white dog named CeeJay, who discovers the true meaning of courage and acceptance. One summer evening, CeeJay marvels at the twinkling lights above the grass. Upon closer inspection, she discovers they are fireflies, glowing through the night and creating magical splendor. CeeJay wishes to join them but realizes she cannot because she does not have a tail that glows and wings to fly. Despite this, CeeJay tries to join them anyway. She jumps in the air with all her might, giving it her best effort. Eventually, she discovers that trying her hardest fills her with pride and joy, and she ends up with new friends who love and support her.

CeeJay and the Firefly is a heartwarming story that inspires youngsters afraid of trying new things or making friends. CeeJay is an adorable character that you would love to meet in real life. Her story is one of friendship, courage, and self-acceptance. Lynn Jaeger’s narration is engaging due to its simplicity and smooth flow. The tale has profound lessons and empowering phrases woven into the narration. The story beautifully illustrates that true light comes from within, hence urging young readers to embrace their uniqueness while at the same time promoting appreciation for diversity. The vibrant illustrations perfectly complement the story and bring it to life. The starry night sky and lush greenery create a beautiful backdrop that will captivate the reader’s imagination. I enjoyed this story and recommend sharing it with your children to teach them to be courageous and to try new things.