Child of Vanris

The Warden's Son Book 1

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
395 Pages
Reviewed on 07/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

Kasiel is forced to live among a group of people who must not find out his true identity. His previously pointed ears, which could have given him away, had been cut off by the time Edmund found him. Unfortunately, Kasiel's safety is threatened when his identity is discovered, forcing him to flee for his life and leave all he holds dear behind. Kasiel's life takes a sharp turn as he discovers more about his kind and joins a group of people who reveal to him his true identity and what he's capable of. Nikki McCormack's Child of Vanris: The Warden's Son, Book 1 is an engrossing tale about a magical world with strong, powerful characters who must fight for what they believe in. Nikki weaves a riveting story around a deadly war, heartbreaking secrets, and deep love feelings. Is Kasiel ready to handle the truth about his family and his past? 

Child of Vanris has the right mix of elements to cause you to lose track of time. Its brilliantly descriptive narrative will have you completely immersed in every scene. Nikki McCormack's intricate worldbuilding provides a fascinating combination of backstories and developing events. The book contains tales that have survived decades and a convincing origin story regarding an ongoing war between two kingdoms. It also maintains an air of mystery, which gradually gives way to captivating revelations and information about exciting magical elements, including an amazing connection between tattoos and abilities, controlling animals with thoughts, and more. Child of Vanris is one of the finest fantasy books I've come across. Read it if you love the Percy Jackson series and fantasy stories with gifted, young, and empathetic protagonists. Its mix of rich worldbuilding, enthralling fights, and internal conflicts has left me yearning for a refill.