Cultivate Curiosity

There Is Hope Even in Unimaginable Circumstances

Poetry - Inspirational
113 Pages
Reviewed on 06/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Cultivate Curiosity: There Is Hope Even in Unimaginable Circumstances is an illuminating poetry collection. Richard Silvia draws upon his own life experiences to deliver a collection of poems that offer a fascinating look into the machinations of modern society and cultural and environmental issues, as well as showcase different aspects of the human condition. The poems cover a broad spectrum of topics related to life and society. The book opens with 'Rise Up,' a battle cry for the new generation united through shared hardship and diversity. 'A Healing Planet' calls us to put our faith in nature and the wisdom of the ancients who lived harmoniously on this planet. 'Who Told You' is an affirmative poem reminding readers that everyone is special and deserves love. In 'American Dream,' the narrator celebrates the life and dreams of a loved one.

Narratively engrossing and thematically rich, Cultivate Curiosity is a book of poems any poetry reader would love to have on their shelf. Richard Silvia has penned a riveting collection. Using clever wordplay and lyrical storytelling, Silvia touches upon social issues such as environmental conservation, the impact of war, unity in diversity, and more. The larger narrative focuses on the human spirit and its resilience, calling for a societal need for compassion and empathy to overcome the seemingly overwhelming challenges of modern living. Although they share similar themes throughout the book, each poem still feels distinct and makes an impression on the reader on its own. This is one of the most inspirational poetry collections I've read this year. Poetry readers couldn't have asked for a better book for this summer. Highly recommended.

K.C. Finn

Cultivate Curiosity: There Is Hope Even In Unimaginable Circumstances is a work of collected poetry in the inspirational writing, motivational, and emotional genres. Penned by author Richard Silvia, this fascinating collection of beautiful and hopeful imagery explores today's social observations and the author’s own personal journey through trauma, offering profound lessons on embracing change and unity. Through poignant verses, Silvia invites readers to discover hope in 'unimaginable circumstances,' emphasizing the transformative power of resilience and the enduring nature of hope amidst adversity.

Author Richard Silvia gives everything of himself to craft a deeply moving and enlightening collection that feels authentic from cover to cover. Silvia's poetic exploration of social observations and personal trauma is sure to resonate deeply with readers who have had similar experiences, offering profound insights into common emotions and those struggles that more of us are dealing with than we may realize or admit. Through his eloquent verses, Silvia navigates the complexities of our modern world with empathy and wisdom, guiding readers toward a future rooted in compassion and unity. Silvia's words serve as a beacon of light in times of darkness, inspiring readers to embrace change and seek union amidst life's many challenges. Some personal favorites for me included the forgiving and celebratory impact of ‘Capacity’, the lyrical, dialogue-driven beauty of ‘The Sad Trees of 1970’, and the beautiful photo-story about flowers toward the end of the text. Overall, Cultivate Curiosity is a powerful work that poetry fans will adore, and I’d certainly recommend it to anyone looking to inspire more positive and motivational change in their own lives.

Astrid Iustulin

Anyone who can understand the human condition with clarity and wisdom can be called a poet. This applies to Richard Silvia, who offers poems about complex themes and circumstances in his collection Cultivate Curiosity: There Is Hope Even in Unimaginable Circumstances. Though he covers a wide range of subjects, grief and trauma stand out the most (so much so that a whole section is devoted to them). Other topics covered in the book include the human condition (we are all connected), dreams, death, and the contemporary world. Readers will discover a lot about these and other topics and embark on a memorable journey.

I enjoyed Cultivate Curiosity because it is uncommon to come across poetry collections with as much depth and insight. Richard Silvia's thoughts on the issues he deals with are clearly expressed, and I especially liked reading about how he invites us to think that we human beings are all united. As I read, I distinctly perceived the hope the author mentions in the subtitle, and it struck me deeply, especially considering that often the topics do not represent the most optimistic situations. I appreciate that the poems are written in concise language and are easy to understand, but I suggest that you give each one considerable thought so that you do not miss any of the enlightening perspectives that this talented poet has to share with us. I am glad I read this collection and wholeheartedly recommend it to those who love poetry that makes them think.