Decrypting Money

A Comprehensive Introduction to Bitcoin

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
316 Pages
Reviewed on 10/04/2023
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Author Biography

Marco Krohn studied mathematics, physics, and economics, obtaining a PhD in theoretical physics and working for an investment bank for several years after graduation. After learning about bitcoin, Marco quit his bank job to join the cryptocurrency revolution. He is the co-founder of many successful blockchain companies, including Genesis Digital Assets and the world's largest mining company, Genesis Mining.

Anthony Jefferies studied mathematics and engineering and completed his PhD in the field of numerical simulation of combustion. He worked for more than ten years at German car manufacturers, performing computational fluid calculations in the research and development division. Since discovering bitcoin, he has been involved in several of cryptocurrency projects, including a cryptocurrency exchange and the development of quantitative tools for bitcoin data analysis.

Marco Streng is the co-founder and CEO of Genesis Digital Assets, one of the largest industrial-scale bitcoin mining companies in the world. In 2013, Marco was studying to become a mathematician when he first discovered bitcoin. He became fascinated by the technology and assembled his first bitcoin miner in his dorm room before rapidly expanding and building industrial-scale mining farms. Before Genesis Digital Assets, Marco co-founded Genesis Mining.

Zoran Balkic has been a computer scientist since he was a child, studying then teaching computer science at the university level for fifteen years. His first bitcoin project involved using SMS to buy bitcoin, and he went on to found and lead successful companies in the cryptocurrency industry. He is an active participant in the Croatian bitcoin community.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Joe Wisinski for Readers' Favorite

Decrypting Money, by Marco Krohn, Anthony Jefferies, Marco Streng, and Zoran Balkic, is a guide to the world of cryptocurrency. The book begins with the history of money and then the origins of the first cryptocurrency, which was Bitcoin. The four authors then write about how cryptocurrency works, ranging from the basics to how it is mined. Other topics include public ledgers, decentralization, blockchains, private keys, and many more. The authors intend their book to be for those who are new to cryptocurrency as well as those with some knowledge of it. They carefully define each new term and explain why the topic under discussion is important. Each chapter concludes with a straightforward summary of what was discussed in that chapter and most chapters start with a quick review of the previous chapter. There are many graphics and footnotes and the book concludes with an extensive glossary.

Decrypting Money is an excellent introduction to the field of cryptocurrency. Although I had some background in cryptocurrency, I didn’t understand many of the facts about it. This book solved that problem. Not only did I learn a lot, but because of the easy-to-understand language the authors used, along with the supplemental material, I learned in an enjoyable manner. The authors -- Marco Krohn, Anthony Jefferies, Marco Streng, and Zoran Balkic -- were wise in starting their book with the history of money because that background helps readers understand why cryptocurrency is an important development. Much of the information that I’ve read about cryptocurrency is either overly simplistic or highly esoteric. But what I liked best about this book is that it addresses the middle ground. It avoids jargon and complex concepts and yet thoroughly explains the ideas which the authors write about. The many graphics and footnotes help explain the ideas under discussion, and the glossary assists readers in understanding new terms. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in cryptocurrency.