Edward the Little Magic Star and Claire

Children - Picture Book
74 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Cloie Belle Daffon for Readers' Favorite

Edward the Little Magic Star and Claire by Chiara Sandri is about a sweet young girl named Claire. She’s in first grade and is used to doing her best at everything. Making mistakes represents failing for little Claire, so she has developed a fear of the red X marks that her teacher puts on her test papers. The red X marks discouraged her so much that one day her stomach began to hurt badly. She believed that because of her errors, there was a large red X monster growling in her belly! What will Claire do now? Join Claire as she faces her worst fear.

Chiara Sandri's Edward the Little Magic Star and Claire is a fast-paced, well-written, and inspiring story. The most important lesson I learned was that making mistakes is not equivalent to failure. Depending on how we interpret things, our mistakes could ultimately help us become better versions of ourselves. Claire's predicament has taught me that my shortcomings do not define who I am. Mistakes are often the best lessons, therefore we should not be afraid of them and instead be more accepting when we unintentionally make them. I particularly enjoyed the lovely illustrations created by Sandri herself. It made reading more fascinating for me. My favorite character was Edward, the magical star. His words of wisdom, which were delivered in rhyme, left an impression on me just as much as they did on Claire. Overall, Edward the Little Magic Star and Claire is a delightful book. Excellent job!