Eight Mondays

Because Every Day is Monday in the Apocalypse

Fiction - Science Fiction
202 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Eight Mondays: Because Every Day is Monday in the Apocalypse is a work of fiction in the science fiction, dystopia, and interpersonal drama genres. Penned by author Mónica Béjar Latonda, in this chilling tale, a mysterious event renders people zombie-like, except for Susana, who was hiking alone in Minnesota during the catastrophe. She grapples with saving those afflicted while mourning her lost love, Michael, and seeks to discover the cause of this epidemic. Susana's journey, from the shock of the initial event to her determination to understand and confront the crisis, offers readers a gripping narrative that explores themes of grief, resilience, and the quest for answers amidst the chaos. Latonda has crafted an immersive journey into a chilling dystopian scenario where mystery and survival intertwine to offer maximum high-stakes drama.

A fantastic atmosphere of impending doom permeates the novel, and the eerie transformation of ordinary life into a living nightmare kept me on edge throughout the entire suspenseful tale. Mónica Béjar Latonda's portrayal of Susana's emotional turmoil, juxtaposed with the surreal circumstances of the apocalypse, creates a compelling tension that allows us to sit on her shoulder and really feel every ounce of tension. The exploration of how grief shapes identity and purpose is an interesting and complex theme woven into the tale with skill and relevance, taking readers on some unexpected but equally poignant narrative turns. Overall, Eight Mondays is a thought-provoking read that prompts contemplation about resilience, loss, and the power of the human spirit amidst catastrophic change. It’s highly recommended to dystopian drama fans seeking something poignant and thought-provoking in their next read.