Facing North, Headed South

Introducing Sonja and Lance Underphal

Fiction - Literary
400 Pages
Reviewed on 06/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Christian Sia for Readers' Favorite

Michael Allan Scott's Facing North, Headed South: Introducing Sonja and Lance Underphal explores life’s unpredictability, a character-driven narrative about two people struggling to leave adolescence behind. This recent historical novel examines the early days of two central characters—Sonja and Lance—curated meticulously with inspirations from actual events. Divided into three distinct parts, the story takes readers on a captivating journey across seminal periods in the protagonists' lives. Lance and Sonja take different paths in their journeys, and while Lance experiences murder, drug addiction, and robbery, Sonja suffers loss and complex relationships. When they finally meet, can they create a bond that heals the wounds?

The writing vividly portrays the contrasting landscapes as the author meticulously captures the essence of the times and places, from the bustling, rapidly changing environs to the hauntingly serene locales of the Southwest. The finely drawn settings evoke a sense of nostalgia, as these transform from a small desert city to a suburban sprawl, much in the image of Lance's personal growth. The dialogue throughout is sharp and sparkling. The exchange between Sonja and the family feels real. This augments the characters’ authenticity and breathes life into their struggles and victories, making their growth feel genuine and impactful over the years. Facing North, Headed South is a literary mosaic of struggle, grit, and the quest for meaning. Michael Allan Scott intelligently explores the intricacies of life through engaging storytelling and richly developed characters. I enjoyed the crisp prose, the superior storytelling, and the sophistication in character development.