Family Trust

Fiction - Chick Lit
209 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily Maynard for Readers' Favorite

In 1966, Henry Taylor was recruited by two of the wealthiest men in Australia to set up and manage a joint family trust, only to be released when two of their children got married. When they both have only sons, the terms of the trust must be changed to reflect their circumstances. While disagreeing with the idea, Henry updates the contract according to their wishes. Today, Mel is in Melbourne for her twin brother James’ wedding. Only, the blind date that her future sister-in-law set up has just ended in the murder of a would-be assassin. As she seeks help from her ex-partner David, Mel speculates on how the attempt on her life is connected to her family’s tragic history, and whether their past is about to catch up with them. Family Trust by Peter Wilson explores how these two seemingly separate stories are connected, and raises the question: who can truly be trusted?

Family Trust is an entertaining story that examines the lives of the Harris and Griffon families and their inner circle over generations, considering their lavish lifestyles, questionable occupations, and the tragedies that have led them to become what they are now. It focuses on two drama-filled days of the present, the day before and the day of the wedding of James and Rachel, whilst also spanning decades delving into the characters’ backgrounds and histories. It’s a fast-paced book, told from a variety of perspectives, each with its ongoings and incidents that feed into the story. Peter Wilson covers many different themes in Family Trust, including wealth and its privileges, corruption, blackmail, and murder. These are skillfully woven into the tale where the line between right and wrong is blurred for the Australian elite who can afford to pay to make things go away. I thoroughly enjoyed the thrilling journey this book took me on. Action-packed and engaging, with twists revealed one after the other, it piqued my interest and kept my imagination racing right up to the end. I think Family Trust has a widespread appeal, particularly for fans of crime, mystery, or family drama novels. It’s a truly fantastic book and I hope to read more from Peter Wilson in the future.