Fractured Fate

Young Adult - Romance
368 Pages
Reviewed on 09/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Fractured Fate by Rochelle Ransom is a young adult romance novel that follows Rae, a girl more comfortable with sports than romance, as she finds herself drawn to the McNeal twins: the bold, charismatic Trey and the very focused, diligent Matt. As Rae navigates her growing feelings, she becomes entangled in a love triangle that leads to heartbreak, tragedy, and a downward spiral. Struggling to recover, Rae faces a life-altering choice when devastating secrets emerge, challenging her to find forgiveness and a path forward.

Author Rochelle Ransom makes Rae's emotional journey deeply relatable from cover to cover in this heartfelt work thanks to her brilliant attention to detail in narration and emotional presentation. Her vivid descriptions and authentic dialogue make each character come alive from the moment they arrive on the page, creating a compelling and immersive read where we feel that we’re meeting people at the same time as Rae and seeing their effect on her life, for good or for bad. I loved the suspense of the love triangle element. A few shocking twists keep readers engaged and invested in the characters' fates as these get more sudden and unpredictable. Ransom's portrayal of the impact of secrets and tragedy on personal growth was a slow-burning theme that deepened and became more intense as the plot thickened, offering mystery and intrigue that complemented the romance plot well. Overall, Fractured Fate is a highly recommended read for fans of intricately penned YA drama with plenty of surprises.