Haunter Grey


Fiction - Science Fiction
463 Pages
Reviewed on 03/18/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Haunter Grey: Discordance is a work of fiction penned by author Ross C. Miller in the science fiction, action, and adventure genres, and is the fourth novel in the Haunter Grey series. This installment of the epic space saga follows Castor Efrata-Landeez, the Commander of the Resistance, and Gianna, an ex-Unity Lord, as they strive to capture Unity fleets and reveal the truth to their adversaries. Amidst pressures for total extermination of the Unity, Castor's desperate tactics lead to the seizure of the Haunter Grey. The Resistance faces a critical decision: retrieve their fleet at the risk of destruction or face annihilation by the merciless Unity.

Author Ross C. Miller continues to expand a truly fascinating world of space-bound drama with this immersive and thrilling read that’s full of high stakes and moral dilemmas. The dynamic between Castor and Gianna was particularly compelling, and I enjoyed seeing these characters grow and change as they balanced capturing Unity fleets with the hope of fostering understanding. The dialogue served to highlight their unique strengths and attitudes but also provided a lot of natural background about the series so far and the growing complexities of this new plot. The tension was palpable throughout and there was never a dull moment. The narrative’s depth, coupled with detailed background information, made it easy to dive into the fourth book without feeling lost. The dramatic twists, particularly centering on the series’ central focus, Haunter Grey, were filled with dynamism and cinematic action sequences that are sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats. Overall, Discordance was a riveting read that left me eagerly anticipating the next chapter of this truly brilliant science fiction series.

Tammy Ruggles

Haunter Grey: Discordance (Last Ark Haunter Grey Book 4), by Ross C. Miller, is the exciting follow-up to the compelling Outliers. Now we are once again gladly in the immersive throes of Castor and the Greys--this time it's Castor and possible annihilation, which could potentially leave zero survivors. But Castor and the Resistance don't give up easily. He and Gianna want peace, but is it possible, and at what cost? They decide to try to capture Unity fleets--not to kill them, but to bring them to an understanding. Then the unexpected happens with Haunter Grey. It falls into the wrong hands, and to save it will risk its destruction. But is there another way? Humanity hangs in the balance, and it seems that mercy does too.

As you read this novel, one can't help but compare some of the themes to world events--war, rumors of war, division, potential and real extermination. This space opera keeps getting better and better, which is surprising because many lengthy series tend to get bogged down or lose focus. Not this one. Ross C. Miller is the consummate craftsman when it comes to worldbuilding and character development. Although Outliers may still be one of my favorites, Discordance comes close. It's evident that the space saga is Miller's forte. He just throws himself into the story and the characters and makes you care about them and what happens to them. Fans of the earlier installments will be happy to see Castor and company again, and the plot increases with intensity and intrigue. If you like science fiction with high stakes, well-conceived characters, and emotional story arcs, you will love Haunter Grey: Discordance by Ross C. Miller.

Pikasho Deka

Haunter Grey: Discordance is the fourth book in the Last Ark series by Ross C. Miller. Admiral Castor Efrata-Landeez leads the Resistance against the armada of the Unity fleet that seeks to wipe out all the subhumans from the universe. Along with Gianna, a former G-series Unity Lord, Castor has been capturing Unity ships and bringing them to Regia, a former Unity prison planet, for rehabilitation. However, an impromptu attack by a Unity fleet sees Castor captured while mutiny brews aboard the Haunter Grey as Grimmer's thirst for blood and vengeance leads her to attack many of Castor's friends, including his newfound sister, Suri McKinnah. While Castor's wives, Triilian and Moriah, embark on a mission to rescue the admiral, Gianna takes Grimmer to the Alpha's planet to speak with Aieea -- the balance point of the Collective.

Violence is never the only answer. That is the primary underlying theme in this gripping installment of Ross C. Miller's epic sci-fi saga. Haunter Grey: Discordance continues to ask moral and philosophical questions about good and evil and between right and wrong. Through a gripping narrative, the author shows how violence and vengeance slowly eat away at a person's soul and leave them as an empty shell. The story also touches upon themes of redemption and sisterhood with the relationship between Gianna and Grimmer. Aside from the epic battle sequences, Miller uses a lot of scenes featuring conversations between different characters to further the plot and show character motives. In conclusion, this is another captivating addition to a stellar sci-fi series. For readers who love exotic worlds and epic space battles, this book will be right up your alley!

Asher Syed

In Haunter Grey: Discordance by Ross C. Miller, Commander Castor Efrata-Landeez of the Resistance collaborates with Gianna, a former Unity Lord, in their pursuit of peace amidst ongoing conflict with the Unity. Their strategy involves capturing, rather than killing, Unity fleets to bring them to an understanding of their reality and past deceptions, but dissenters advocate for the complete annihilation of the Unity. When Castor employs a drastic tactic against a modified Unity fleet, control of the pivotal Haunter Grey is seized, endangering humanity's future. The fate of the Greys becomes uncertain, leaving humanity vulnerable to the merciless Unity forces. Discordance is book four in the Last Ark series, preceded by Origin, Journey, and Outliers.

Identity and belonging are major themes in Haunter Grey: Discordance by Ross C. Miller. Castor is and remains my favorite character in the entire series, but something about Moriah's internal monologues, particularly regarding her relationship with Castor, her own sense of self, and her role within the group stood out this time. This extends also to Rabid, Moriah, and Trillian, whose bond is not just a simple friendship but is also one of loyalty, sacrifice, and mutual dependence. Miller again adeptly conveys intricate technologies, prioritizing clarity and precision while steering clear of confusing jargon, ensuring accessibility to diverse readerships. Science fiction is a difficult genre for readers to get into but having read this series all through to this book, I see how the Last Ark series would make an excellent “gateway” series, and still be enjoyed by the more experienced crowd.

Jamie Michele

Haunter Grey: Discordance by Ross C. Miller is the fourth book in The Last Ark series. In Origin, the Unity destroyed subhumans. Castor, with no memory, must find Anselmi on Termina Two amidst a losing Resistance war. In Journey, after destroying subhumans for four thousand years, Unity Lord 01.3.G, now Gianna, seeks to save her people from inevitable extermination by a surprising resistance. In the third installment, Outliers, Moriah, Trillian, Grimmer, Rabid, and Suri are all DNA-modified experiments or survivors, designed as deadly weapons or ultimate warriors, linked by tragic circumstances. Now, in Discordance, Castor leads the Resistance, working with ex-Unity Lord Gianna to capture Unity fleets and reveal their lies. Some believe extermination is necessary, risking humanity's survival without the Grey Fleet.

In Ross C. Miller's trademark nuance of themes, Haunter Grey: Discordance starts with the themes of sacrifice and redemption. Castor's willingness to die for Trillian and Moriah symbolizes ultimate sacrifice, while their dedication to protecting him in return is a powerful form of redemption for their past lives filled with violence and distrust. This comes up again later during a horrifying torture scene, where self-sacrifice signifies his unwavering dedication to cause and beliefs, and a silent prayer embodies redemption through endurance and hope. Extensive, extreme, and even grotesque measures are taken to save a life, so Miller is not just paying lip service to the Christian undercurrents of this science fiction series, and Discordance in particular. What's beautiful is that, just like in its theological context, sacrifices are not in vain, and redemption comes to those who deserve it. There is action, battles, and high-spec-tech in the full, wonderful body of Last Ark, but God remains at its heart. Very highly recommended.

Paul Zietsman

Discordance by Ross C. Miller is the fourth book in the epic Haunter Grey saga of space exploration, action, adventure, futuristic technology, and artificial intelligence. The Unity, genetically modified clones of humans, view themselves as superior to regular people, whom they refer to as subhumans. For a long time, they have invaded subhumans' planets and taken them prisoner as slaves. However, with Commander Castor Efrata-Landeez at its helm, the Resistance has been sending members of the Unity to what was originally their prison planet, namely Regia. Not everyone agrees that the Unity should be held as prisoners and is calling for them to be killed on the spot instead. The Greys, who make up the Resistance, are humanity's only hope against the power of the Unity.
Ross C. Miller's Haunter Grey: Discordance continues the trials and tribulations of characters who have become endearing and hero-like to me. Although the Greys are part of the same team, they do not always agree. This makes for an intriguing and thrilling clash of strong personalities in what can be described as “office politics." The dialogue resulting from this is heated yet realistic, which meant that I was fully engrossed in this story of futuristic war, artificial intelligence, and genetic modification. The characters stay true to their traits, and each of the Greys is dynamic in that they have their strengths, weaknesses, and oddities. This authenticity of the characters amid a futuristic yet dystopian backdrop makes for a read that is thrilling and imaginative yet at the same time realistic enough to be relatable and relevant.