Hooligans, Rebels, and Rabble-Rousers

Non-Fiction - Biography
100 Pages
Reviewed on 10/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

In this illuminating book, Paula Kerman presents the life stories of 20 brave women who changed the course of history with their actions, standing in defiance against injustice, cruelty, and inequality. Hooligans, Rebels, and Rabble-Rousers contains inspiring true stories and beautifully drawn portraits of women who overcame overwhelming odds to leave their mark on society. The book opens with the story of Lozen, an Apache warrior and healer who led her people to safety across the Rio Grande while being hunted by American soldiers. Ida B. Wells founded the first Black suffrage club in Chicago. Zitkala-Sa fought for the rights of Native Americans. Frida Kahlo was a Mexican feminist and a rebel artist. Edie Winsor was one of the earliest activists for LGBTQ rights. Ellen Ochoa was the first Latina astronaut to go into space. And there are many others.

Paula Kerman pays homage to some of the most extraordinary women whose indomitable courage, determination, and work amid various adverse circumstances changed the world and laid the foundations of contemporary modern society. Hooligans, Rebels, and Rabble-Rousers celebrates the lives of these wonderful women who gave voice to the marginalized and oppressed and fought for equality for all. Succinctly written and thorough, the book follows each of these women's lives and covers their most notable works. At the end of each chapter, readers will find memorable quotes and portraits depicting the heroism displayed by these women in their own fields. This is an inspiring piece of work that all readers can enjoy, regardless of background or interests. I found the book very informative and motivational, and I highly recommend it!