I, Magdalena

Fiction - Drama
354 Pages
Reviewed on 07/20/2023
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Author Biography

M P Sherman is a physiologist and lifetime student of philosophy and world religions. Beginning her education as a sociologist, she turned to dance, curative movement and physiology to work primarily with women and women's health for over forty years. Stories in the bible have long been told and manipulated by men, and with a woman's and sociologist's perspective, the author imagines the real life of two of the more notorious women in the New Testament.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

I, Magdalena is a work of fiction in the historical, women’s fiction and interpersonal drama subgenres. It is best suited to mature readers owing to some scenes of moderate sex and violence and was penned by author M P Sherman. This powerful and captivating novel tells the inspiring story of a strong-minded and fiercely independent woman navigating an oppressive patriarchy during Biblical times. Magdalena's journey unfolds against a backdrop of limited opportunities for girls, but her mother's unwavering support and creative spirit provide solace and hope. This book serves as a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the transformative power of resilience.

Author M P Sherman skillfully portrays the struggles and hardships Magdalena faces on her path to physical and spiritual awakening. Through her experiences, the author sheds light on the multifaceted nature of every life, emphasizing the futility and lack of merit in judging others. Magdalena's resilience and determination become beacons of inspiration, reminding readers of the strength and potential within each individual. The narrative also highlights the broader societal issues of structural imbalances and their impact on every member. Sherman adeptly weaves these themes into the story, prompting readers to reflect on the complexities of social dynamics and the need for change. Sherman has crafted a beautifully penned novel that immerses readers in the rich tapestry of Magdalena's life with evocative and compelling prose that draws readers into the emotions and experiences of the protagonist. Overall, I, Magdalena is a must-read for those seeking a captivating tale that challenges societal norms and encourages self-discovery.

Alma Boucher

Written by M.P. ShermanI, Magdalena is a compelling story of a woman’s spiritual journey. Magdalena is a talented and independent young woman who grew up in an era when life was not easy for women. Magdalena was born into a cruel world where women had few if any, opportunities. Magdalena was searching for justice and truth, but in her world, she had no rights and any independent thoughts were forbidden. Magdalena valued freedom and movement more than conventions and traditions. Magdalena’s grandmother took her own life when her daughter was young. Magdalena’s mother vowed to create the happiness her mother had never known and showered Magdalena with the affection she had never experienced. By constructing a world of music, dance, and art, she attempted to shield Magdalena and soften the truth of life.

I, Magdalena takes place in biblical times, and it is incredible how much the lives of women in that era and the lives of women today are similar. I could not turn the pages quickly enough to learn more about Magdalena’s life. Compassion, understanding, and forgiveness were woven into the storyline. It was intriguing, and I was on the edge of my seat, eager to know what would happen next. The characters were fantastic and relatable. My favorite character was Magdalena; I felt like I knew her. Magdalena was a strong woman who fought for her rights and independence when women were not valued. Magdalena’s struggle is one that women have had throughout history. M.P. Sherman has written a beautiful story that engaged me in the life and issues of Magdalena.

Christine Nguyen

I, Magdalena by M P Sherman is a novel based on historical events about the controversial figure of Magdalena. Magdalena grows up in a punitive patriarchal society where females have little to no power. They are almost invisible and must endure a harsh life governed by their fathers and later their husbands. As a young child, Magdalena questions why women must adhere to strict rules and have no rights and freedoms. Magdalena’s beautiful and talented mother, gifted with artistic vision, weaves whatever magic she can to shelter Magdalena from their everyday oppression. Their days are filled with storytelling, singing, and dancing, rich with imagination and possibility. Tragic events shatter Magdalena’s once-protected childhood, thrusting her into a life devoid of love or kindness. Magdalena escapes a painful and abusive marriage and starts seeking justice and truth.

Author M P Sherman gives readers a fascinating new look at the life of Magdalena and why she may have been labeled as a prostitute or harlot. Given the history of how rigid the rules for women were during that period, readers get a uniquely new perception of Magdalena as a product of her environment. Sherman shares her complex story with grace and compassion, giving readers more understanding and fewer judgments. From the first page, I was captivated by her story and struggles; I could not put this book down. The storyline was rich and descriptive filled with unexpected plot twists that had me rooting for Magdalena each step of the way. This is a gripping read!

Grant Leishman

I, Magdalena by M P Sherman is a fascinating peek into the life of a young woman born into the patriarchal society that was Judea around the time of Jesus. Magdalena was strong-minded and independent, two things no young girl of the time was expected or allowed to be. She adored her mother, in whom she saw magic from within her soul. Her greatest joy was the time spent alone with her mother, at the nearby stream whilst they waited for their laundry to dry on the trees. There she was able to express herself in dance and the freedom of having no restrictions on her words or behavior. It was there that she first met and adored the new Roman commander of the region, Lucius, and his magnificent steed Zeus. This man would play an important part in their futures. Detesting her domineering and strict father, Magdalena was terrified of being betrothed to someone similar and longed merely for release from the constrictions and freedom to follow her heart and her dreams.

I, Magdalena will rank high on my list of books I have read about biblical times. Author M P Sherman has created two wonderful characters in Magdalena and her mother and beautifully highlights the love and deep respect each had for the other and their dreams. At a time when women were treated as little more than chattels, both of them in their own ways rose above the patriarchy and achieved some level of control and independence. I particularly appreciated that Magdalena and her mother’s view of the universe and spirituality so closely matched my own. I found myself nodding sagely at many of the views and paradigms being expressed by the pair. Magdalena’s life was an adventure and a half and her wanderings, trials, and tribulations kept me riveted to page after page. I warmed to Magdalena’s acceptance of whoever she came across, even the Romans, and her willingness to risk everything to help those in need despite having been hurt on so many occasions in the past. The author’s tying of her life’s journey to Jesus’ ministry, without actually mentioning his name, was a clever literary device and made the story even more realistic and believable. I appreciated this read immensely and can highly recommend it.

Foluso Falaye

Stuck in a patriarchal world that has little respect for women, Magdalena plans to make herself ​undesirable to ensure that no one would ever want to marry ​her. However, her obstinacy only leads her to the very life she hoped to escape. Though she finds a way to flee her torturous captor, she is subjected to continuous trials as she searches for true love and seeks to understand her world. In her search for meaning, Magdalena encounters a teacher who helps her see beyond her physical reality and her painful past. I, Magdalena by M P Sherman is a sensational historical novel about a rebellious teenage girl, her life of struggle, and the spiritual revelations she receives throughout. From Rome to Egypt and other places, Magdalena's tale includes richly depicted historical cultures and practices.

"It is only man ​who silences the music of creation." When I came across the book's many wise views, I had to admit that M P Sherman is a deep, thorough thinker with a gift for lyrical writing. Additionally, the book balances dark and uplifting themes to create a captivating tale. The themes of abuse and murder are skilfully intertwined with thrilling scenes involving horse riding, dancing, romance, and travel. Furthermore, I loved the little hints that suggest the presence of supernatural entities—from vanishing characters to strange dreams and fortune-telling. I, Magdalena offers a deep connection with its thoughtful protagonist and a chance to better understand the dangers of patriarchal and abusive relationships. The natural, realistic style of the tale ensures the reader will relate well to the biblical characters and see them as humans with complex pasts.

Luwi Nyakansaila

I, Magdalena by M P Sherman is an emotional tale that follows Magdalena, a girl who lived in a time of oppression and injustice toward women. Her mother, Rachel, tried her best to protect her by introducing her to songs, dance, art, and imagination. Unfortunately, Rachel is brutally killed, leaving Magdalena alone to find her way in life. Her father sells her off and condemns her to a gruesome fate. Magdalena wishes for love and freedom, but what she gets is pain, heartache, and betrayal, which makes her long for death. On her journey, she gains a gift she does not understand, but after meeting a group of people who show her unconditional love, she finally understands her destiny and purpose.

I, Magdalena is a profound story that took me on a roller coaster of emotions. Magdalena’s journey was spiritual and enlightening, and her development arc was brutal and painful. I cried, danced, and loved with her. Each stage of her life was a trial that prepared her for her final destiny. M P Sherman is a creative writer who has combined fiction and biblical accounts to tell Magdalena’s story. The main character’s philosophical thoughts on social injustice, paganism, righteousness, and womanhood were thought-provoking, and the social lessons in this book can also apply to our current society that oppresses the weak, segregates people, and abuses women and children. I loved that the author used modern English to narrate this story because it made the book stand out from most historical novels set in this era. The story was easy to understand and follow, and I recommend you get a copy to appreciate this masterpiece.

Manik Chaturmutha

I, Magdalena by M.P. Sherman is a historical fiction novel that provides an intimate, reimagined look at Mary Magdalena. We follow her journey from being young and her desire to live by her rules to a woman finding her place in the world. It challenges the popular, albeit false, idea that Magdalena was a prostitute and, instead, presents a tale of a dynamic artist. It is a story of tragedy, abandonment, and suffering, but also full of compassion, spirituality, understanding, and forgiveness. This novel transported me through time to a narrative as beautifully written as it is thought-provoking. The book offers a fresh perspective on a biblical tale that, despite its age, still resonates with women and societal expectations today. What immediately grabbed my attention was the way the very first sentence --"Were my story not written by men, it would be a more honest tale" -- perfectly encapsulates the challenges women have faced throughout history, where the surrounding men defined their identities. I was immediately excited, and this book did not let me down.

From the first page, the book clarifies that it will challenge our preconceived notions about history and how stories have developed, prompting new perspectives. Sherman's writing style is evocative and impactful. The book delves into the lives of complex and dynamic characters, who remain unforgettable long after the last page is turned. The author skillfully explores the nuances of femininity, womanhood, and identity, creating a tale that stirs emotions. The narrative imparts valuable lessons, shedding light on the injustices women faced in Magdalena's time. Sherman's portrayal of her as a wise, creative, and brave individual is intriguing and believable. The writer has layered the characters and plot with complexity, making them all the more intriguing. Overall, I, Magdalena by M.P. Sherman takes readers on a powerful journey through human emotions. Sherman's writing prowess shines throughout, making this a must-read novel that brilliantly reimagines history from a feminist perspective and leaves a lasting impact.

dorrie newton

Spellbinding: Mystical, Spiritual, and Exciting.
Reviewed in the United States on July 4, 2023

Spellbinding! With each page, I became more involved with Magdalena, her family, her friends, her loves, her sorrows, her challenges, and her transformations. I couldn’t wait to turn each page to find out what would happen next. Mystical, spiritual, and exciting are some of the emotions that M.P. Sherman’s novel invokes in the reader. This novel is a fast read and a powerful one.

Although this novel takes place in biblical times, I am struck by the similarities between the lives of women then and the lives of millions of women today whose fates are dictated by men. Men who refuse to give women the power to determine their own destinies. Magdalena’s fight is a fight by women everywhere through the ages.

Dorrie Newton

Spellbinding: Mystical, Spiritual, and Exciting.
Reviewed in the United States on July 4, 2023

Spellbinding! With each page, I became more involved with Magdalena, her family, her friends, her loves, her sorrows, her challenges, and her transformations. I couldn’t wait to turn each page to find out what would happen next. Mystical, spiritual, and exciting are some of the emotions that M.P. Sherman’s novel invokes in the reader. This novel is a fast read and a powerful one.

Although this novel takes place in biblical times, I am struck by the similarities between the lives of women then and the lives of millions of women today whose fates are dictated by men. Men who refuse to give women the power to determine their own destinies. Magdalena’s fight is a fight by women everywhere through the ages.

Sophia Choi

5.0 out of 5 stars Must Read!!
Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2024
In "Magdalena's Journey," MP Sherman crafts a captivating narrative that delves deep into the intricacies of familial bonds, resilience, and the power of spirituality. Set against a backdrop of hardship and oppression, the protagonist, Magdalena, navigates life's challenges with unwavering strength, guided by her profound connection to her mother and her newfound spirituality.

One of my most favorite aspects of the book is the portrayal of the bond between Magdalena and her mother. This relationship serves as a guiding light for Magdalena, shaping her character and influencing her decisions throughout the narrative. The author beautifully illustrates the strength of maternal bonds, highlighting their ability to provide solace and support even in the darkest of times.

Furthermore, the book explores Magdalena's connection with nature and animals, which adds another layer of depth to her character. Through subtle yet intentional guidance from her mother, Magdalena learns to appreciate the natural world, a sentiment that reverberates positively in human relationships.

The author's writing style is both descriptive and clear, finding a perfect balance between vivid imagery and narrative coherence. While some writers may fall into the trap of overly flowery prose, MP Sherman masterfully avoids this pitfall, ensuring that readers remain fully immersed in the story without becoming lost in superfluous detail.

I definitely recommend this book!

Joan Difuria

5.0 out of 5 stars A transformative read through the power of words
Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2024
In Mary's captivating novel, readers are taken on a profound journey through the transformative life of a young girl. From the very first page, Mary's depth of writing immediately engulfs my attention, transporting me into a world of Magdelana and her remarkable evolution. What truly sets this book apart if Mary's poetic writing style, which not only depicts the harsh realities of Magdelana's world but also transcends mere story telling to offer a broader perspective on life and love. I did not just observe the story I became an active participant in Magdelana's journey of self discovery and growth. As Magdelana navigates through her challenges and triumphs, Mary skillfully weaves together themes of resilience, love, and the human spirit. Her ability to capture the essence of the human experience is amazing and allows the reader to ponderer the complexities of existence and the power of transformation. Mary's storytelling transcends boundaries . I was personally moved, inspired and transformed by the power and beauty of Mary's words.

Sally Hagstrom

5.0 out of 5 stars A must read
Reviewed in the United States on December 27, 2023
I Magdalena is beautifully written. It takes you on a woman’s journey of fighting for survival in a world dictated by men. Her clear, descriptive writing style is lovely to read.
She eloquently defines spirit and spiritually.


5.0 out of 5 stars Intriguing and believable. Highly recommend.
Reviewed in the United States on May 22, 2023
M.S. Sherman takes us back in time with this beautiful story of Mary Magdalena. The author depicts her as a perceptive, creative and brave child and we follow her journey into maturity and adulthood. I found myself quickly drawn into this intriguing and believable story.
There are many lessons in this thoughtful book without being preachy. This is an intimate glimpse of Magdalena told from a woman author who has created the inner being of a woman who held an important role in history, yet little is known about her.
The theme of nature, art and dance flows rhythmically through the pages like a river as an essential part of her spirit, alongside her spiritual openings and awakenings.
The author makes clear the extreme injustice toward woman in Magdalena's day and yet this story is full of compassion, understanding and forgiveness.

Paul Preuss

5.0 out of 5 stars A powerful new creation of a classic story
Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2023
M. P. Sherman's spellbinding novel, I, Magdalena, is the tale of a powerfully gifted, self-reliant young woman coming of age in the years when Rome ruled the provinces of Judaea, of Egypt, and all the Levantine Sea—a time of conflict between local residents and foreign rulers, between religious sects and wayfaring prophets, and, most fundamentally, conflict between women and men. Sherman wisely has Magdalena tell her own story, from childhood until the end of her extraordinary life and beyond. As Magdalena warns us, "the legend of my life was told by men who never knew me." The truth of her journey is heartbreaking, a spiritual search and tragic destiny that will drive readers through the savageries and delights of ancient times. Sherman's compelling novel persuades us that the ancients still have much to tell us today.

Lily Hunter

5.0 out of 5 stars An absolute recommend
Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2023
I struggle balancing reading and being a student because many books I read are great and beautiful stories, they don't grab my attention like I, Magdalena does. MP Sherman has me unable to put the book down, crying on the airplane, and feeling all the emotions as I watch this beautiful story unfold. I absolutely recommend this book with all of my heart.

Debra Turner

A compelling story of a woman’s spiritual journey.
Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2023
Magdalena’s journey is beautifully presented. Her voice is from ages ago, but many of the issues remain relevant to this day. As in The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, I, Magdalena transports readers to biblical times and offers a non biblical window into the life of a young woman. Like Madeline Miller’s Circe, Sherman’s I, Magdalena shows us a strong woman’s fight for independence in a world that does not value women except as possessions. It is a provocative story well told.


MP Sherman is an exquisite story teller!
Reviewed in the United States on June 10, 2023
A must read! This book took me on a journey through of all the real and raw emotions. I felt so connected to the characters and story. MP Sherman is an exquisite story teller.

Anne Lamott

A beautifully written novel about the spiritual journey of one of the Bible's notorious women.

Anne Lamott