I'll Find You And That's Okay

Children - Adventure
40 Pages
Reviewed on 05/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Louise Hill for Readers' Favorite

I'll Find You And That's Okay by Shermaine Perry-Knights is an adventure picture book for young children. Kody the dinosaur finds himself lost in a busy airport, separated from his owner Grace. As fear and panic set in, Kody remembers an Italian counting method his owners use to help calm down anxiety. He begins to count and suddenly feels much better. He can think clearly and come up with a plan. He heads out into the town to start his mission of finding Grace. With love and determination on his side, will Kody find Grace? Find out in this book.

I'll Find You And That's Okay was a pleasure to read. From the very first page, you are dropped straight into the adventure. It immediately fills you with curiosity and has you eager to turn to the next page. The storyline reminded me of Toy Story, one of my favorite films, and it took me back to when I was a kid. The writing has been kept simple and enables children to follow along with ease. The illustrations are creative, and colorful, and fit perfectly within the theme of the story. Upon finishing the book, I could tell that Shermaine Perry-Knights had put a lot of thought and effort into it. So if you're looking for your child's next read, then I highly suggest you grab a copy of this book. I know they will love it as much as I did. Keep up the great work, Shermaine.