Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance

Untravelled Paths Through Natural, Practical and Alternative Understandings of Your Life, Purpose, and Meaning

Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
488 Pages
Reviewed on 10/05/2024
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Author Biography

G.E. Poole immigrated to New Zealand to become a pupil of Sufi Master Abdullah Isa Dougan in 1982, and since the passing of his spiritual teacher, has been a student of his writings, talks and objective art for over 40 years. He earlier entered the Work through the J.G. Bennett line through the Claymont Society. A registered psychologist, in his outer career he served for 10 years as CEO of the RASNZ refugee health services inside New Zealand, and served for 2 years providing humanitarian aid programs in Afghanistan. As a householder, he parented three children and four grandchildren. He currently is a resident of Australia.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Richard Prause for Readers' Favorite

G.E. Poole's Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance uses science, spiritual teachings, and personal insight to answer life's most complex questions. Poole urges readers to explore the deeper aspects of our existence as human beings. His innovative writing challenges us to reexamine our understanding of reality, human consciousness, and mankind's spiritual development. He theorizes that human beings are part of a grander stream of divine consciousness and uses his book to explore profound topics like the nature of humanity and our sacred purpose. Poole examines a rich collection of resources, including esoteric writings, quantum physics, and mystical practices, and creates a narrative that connects science with spirituality. His overall goal is to give us a captivating peek into the opportunities behind our full potential and the various paths to our self-awareness.

Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance offers an intriguing exploration of humanity's existence and capabilities. I enjoyed reading G.E. Poole's practical guidance on how we can boost our consciousness and tap into higher spiritual frequencies. He gives valuable teachings on meditation, self-reflection, and other techniques structured to facilitate spiritual and cognitive transformation. The author always tries to connect his concepts to realistic situations. As such, he makes his suggestions accessible and applicable to readers. Regardless of one's ideology, this book is tailored for readers of diverse backgrounds. Poole explores the commonality behind different schools of thought and encourages inclusion through his reflective writing. Most importantly, he encourages us to look beyond our minor divisions and acknowledge the fundamental fellowship that connects us all. I recommend this insightful read to persons who appreciate thought-provoking, philosophical books.

K.C. Finn

Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance by G.E. Poole is a non-fiction exploration of life’s deeper meaning, blending religion, philosophy, science, and mysticism. Poole challenges conventional beliefs about reality, presenting a view that humans are part of an ‘Experiment of Consciousness.’ This book delves into complex topics like mathematics, music, and consciousness to reveal new perspectives on existence and purpose. Poole encourages readers to rethink their assumptions and embrace alternative ways of understanding life and the universe. The author brings a vast knowledge of science, philosophy, and mysticism together in a rich, thought-provoking tapestry of ideas that fans of both new age and classic philosophy are sure to enjoy exploring. There’s confidence in the way the author handles the information which shows that much thought and care have gone into this work.

G.E. Poole’s writing is intellectually challenging yet accessible, making complex and unconventional concepts understandable without sacrificing too much of their depth. The work also builds ideas up gradually, offering a solid foundation as the bigger picture of the author's reimagining of human consciousness and purpose pushes readers to question fundamental assumptions, fostering personal and philosophical growth. The examples of such abstract concepts are broken down into actionable steps too, empowering readers to apply these transformative ideas to their own lives in meaningful ways. Readers can see how these would work in the most mundane situations to achieve greater purpose and peace. Overall, I would certainly recommend Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance for anyone seeking unique viewpoints on our place in the universe as a worthwhile and engaging read indeed.

Jamie Michele

Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance by G.E. Poole is a theological study that begins with a discussion on how children’s moral understanding is influenced by societal and religious teachings from authorities such as parents and teachers, arguing that genuine moral insight originates from inner guidance. Poole promotes a unified view of morality that transcends dualistic notions of good and evil, leaning into self-reflection, selfless service, and prayer as vital for personal transformation and spiritual growth. Poole speaks on the importance of purifying motives and offers examples, such as that of Irena Sendler, to illustrate the impact of compassionate action. He discusses the significance of objective prayers in various religions, the role of authentic spiritual guides, and the need for mental control in moral development. Finally, Poole examines the purpose of human existence, advocating for spiritual over material pursuits and outlining acceptance as a key aspect of spiritual growth.

In Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance, G.E. Poole invites readers to consider their roles in selfless service, spiritual growth, and the quest for meaning. His writing is both articulate and insightful, mixing practical wisdom with philosophical depth. Poole eloquently champions the necessity of engaging in acts of service without expectation, and the idea that genuine altruism fosters unity cannot be argued against. It is clear that Poole has done an exhaustive amount of research for the writing of this book, and it shows. The standout section to me is Poole's critique of false spiritual leaders and the affirmation that a personal moral compass is rooted in love and compassion, a notion that will resonate deeply with readers who are craving authenticity. Overall, this book is a clarion call for self-discovery, urging readers to embrace their interconnectedness with all beings for a more compassionate world. Very highly recommended.