It's Not All Fake

A Steamy Fake Relationship Romance

Romance - Sizzle
304 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

It’s Not All Fake is a contemporary romance novel by Sarah Towns. Liam Wright, a successful investment firm owner, despite his initial irritation, agrees to participate in a few sessions with life coach Chloe Middleton out of a sense of duty to his mother. Used to being in charge, Liam proposes that Chloe fake date him to appease his mother. However, between the staged kisses and scripted PDAs, the lines between reality and performance blur. While an ex tries to create havoc in Chloe’s professional life, she must decide if Liam and her fake relationship could lead to something real. Will Liam and Chloe be able to overcome their pasts and move toward a future together?

It’s Not All Fake is an engaging narrative layered with suspense and tension, with a focus on character development that made me empathize with both protagonists. The story is presented from dual perspectives in alternate chapters from Liam and Chloe, helping us understand the internal struggles, motivations, and vulnerabilities of both characters. The overall plot centers around the emotional barriers both Liam and Chloe face and how their pasts drive their present relationship. The story is narrated at a steady pace, with a slow build-up and a few steamy scenes that keep the action moving forward. Liam is portrayed as a complex character, struggling with his painful and dark past and fear of emotional intimacy. Chloe is shown as empathetic and strong, even though she was burned by her last relationship, and has her own emotional baggage. Primarily, author Sarah Towns explores the complexities of love and the consequences of being emotionally vulnerable. The novel also touches on how past traumas affect current relationships, and how opening up to another person could lead to new connections and healing.