Memories of Deception

The Deception Chronicles 2

Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
310 Pages
Reviewed on 08/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

Memories of Deception by S.K. Johnston is the second book of the Deception Chronicles. Taylor Donovan was the only survivor of the genetic modification program, and she was more resilient, stronger, and faster. Taylor was having issues and knew her problems stemmed from her Genesis training. Taylor had attempted to break Dr. Kate Sinclair's mind by using a neural device, and after treatment at the Healing Center, Kate’s nightmares ended. These incidents almost destroyed Kate's life, and she feared that her returning nightmares and memories would have an impact on her relationship with Sam. After rebuilding their lives together, Kate and Sam were on their honeymoon when they discovered someone was following them. Sam and Kate were racing against the clock to find the information that could change their lives.

S.K. Johnston's Memories of Deception has all the elements of a superb psychological thriller. The story was fast-paced and action-packed, with never a dull moment. I was glued to the pages the entire time because of the compelling plot and its unexpected turns. The writing style was convincing and credible and I was hooked from the start until the end. The characters were interesting and unique. With their backgrounds, I found it was easy to get to know and understand them better. Kate and Sam had a special bond and would do anything to keep each other safe. They worked well together as a team. I had difficulty putting down this well-written book, and it kept me turning the pages as fast as possible.