My Darlings

Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
320 Pages
Reviewed on 09/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

My Darlings by Marie Still is a stunning psychological thriller. Eloise Williams is a philanthropist, PTO president, and a stay-at-home mom. But she’s much more than that. She is also a cold-blooded serial killer. More secrets are hidden behind closed doors in her affluent community, and when it becomes clear that someone knows hers, she’ll do what it takes to stay hidden. Soon, the tables are turned and Eloise has to up the stakes. The body count rises, but can Eloise really continue to get away with murder?

I love a good psychological thriller and My Darlings by Marie Still blew me away. This creepy tale will send shivers down your spine and it is not for the faint-hearted. Triggers include child abuse and death, bullying, domestic violence, and more, so be warned. This story has an incredibly strong female lead – most serial killer books tend to be about men, so this was a positive change. Eloise’s personality develops throughout the plot, her character becoming more desperate and crazy. This is a fast read, so be prepared; when you start reading, you’ll not want to put it down, and nor will you want to turn out the lights – ever again! It will also make you start second-guessing everyone you know and meet; after all, none of us knows what’s behind the faces we see. This is one wild story with some pretty graphic scenes, but if you love a good, twisted psychological thriller, this is the book for you.

Alija Turkovic

Eloise Williams is a dedicated mother and doting wife. She is a reputable philanthropist and is involved in various charities and committees. But unknown to many, Eloise is a stone-cold serial killer. She is tactical in her approach to killing. Eloise carefully selects her victims and infiltrates their lives until the opportune moment. Eloise has no empathy and enjoys the sense of power each kill brings her. Her circle of close friends all have their respective secrets. Nothing is as it appears—no one is to be trusted. Suddenly, Eloise's fixation on building her 'darlings' collection takes a surprising turn. Her neatly planned life begins to disintegrate. Even the lives of her friends become exposed. Someone knows her secret! But who? What does this mean for Eloise? Now is the perfect time to pick up Marie Still's intriguing book, My Darlings.

My Darlings is a gripping suspense thriller that will amaze and entice readers. It is sinister, exciting, and intoxicating. I was mostly intrigued by Eloise's character development. She has a well-orchestrated character design. Eloise's sociopathic tendencies shine through. Like any highly convincing sociopath, she is clever at manipulating the perceptions of others. Eloise's performance is compelling, and her backstory will immediately capture the reader's attention. The storyline is evenly paced and brimming with unexpected twists and turns. Not once does it lag. My Darlings is saturated in drama, action, and suspense. Marie Still does a fantastic job of keeping readers interested. The plot has everything from deception to shocking secrets to hidden agendas. The ending is simply jaw-dropping. If you enjoy grim humor and thrillers that explore the darker side of human nature, this book will meet all your needs. I guarantee it.

Alma Boucher

In My Darlings, a psychological thriller by Marie Still, the body of a woman was discovered in Great Falls Parks, a favorite hiking trail. This was the sixth woman to be murdered in the last twelve months. Eloise Williams served as the HOA treasurer and president of the PTO and was a well-known philanthropist. Nobody would have guessed that Eloise was a serial killer, and her well-kept persona served as the ideal cover. Being naturally evil, Eloise had a bond with her victims as their souls departed from their bodies that very few people had ever known. The intervals between the murders were getting shorter, but Eloise was positive she would never be caught. Things got serious when Eloise started to suspect that someone was aware of her secrets and she would do anything and everything to protect them.

My Darlings by Marie Still was complicated and intriguing. It was fast-paced, and the suspense kept me on the edge of my seat. With all the twists and turns, I never knew what would happen next. I just kept turning the pages as fast as possible and was guessing until the end. The characters were realistic and relatable. Eloise’s background gave me a better understanding of why she had become such a monster. She had no sentiments or emotions, which gave me the impression that anything could happen at any time. The story was well-written, and I had a hard time putting it down. It was one of the most gripping psychological thrillers I have read, and I enjoyed reading it.

Foram Vyas

If you’re a thriller enthusiast, My Darlings by Marie Still is one book you won't want to miss. Set in the outwardly pristine Washington D.C. suburbs, the story follows Eloise Williams, a seemingly perfect stay-at-home mom and PTO president who hides a chilling secret—she’s also a serial killer. As her double life unravels, secrets within her inner circle come to light, and the body count rises, leading to a thrilling race against time. The incredible cover initially drew me in—it's eye-catching and hints at the dark twists within. The plot is a whirlwind of over-the-top characters that add intrigue and complexity to the story. Multiple POVs give the narrative depth and make it even more engrossing.

Marie Still’s writing is gripping, pulling you deeper into this twisted world where nothing is as it seems. The story moves at a brisk pace, with just the right amount of suspense and tension to keep you hooked from beginning to end. The action is intense, and the characters are far from perfect, which makes them even more fascinating. They’re morally ambiguous, and at times downright disturbing, but that’s what makes the story so compelling. The multiple POVs not only add variety but also allow you to see the unfolding drama from different angles, making the story richer and more complex. Some scenes are gory, adding to the dark atmosphere. The skewed moral compass of the characters adds a unique twist, making you question who you should be rooting for. If you’re looking for a psychological thriller with a dark, twisted edge, My Darlings is definitely worth picking up. It’s a thrilling ride that will keep you guessing until the very last page.

Keana Sackett-Moomey

My Darlings by Marie Still takes readers on a thrilling journey into the life of a very intriguing woman, Eloise Williams. Eloise is a committed stay-at-home mother, wife, friend, esteemed philanthropist, and PTA president. She wears many hats and is an easygoing socialite. Unknown to all, she's also an emotionless serial killer and sociopath. No one from her neighborhood or circle of friends would ever suspect that Eloise, a respectable member of society, is responsible for all the ghastly murders occurring around them. As it turns out, Eloise isn't the only one with a few skeletons in the closet. The people in her inner circle also have a few surprising secrets. The biggest surprise of all is yet to come. Someone is aware of Eloise's obsession with murder. As the situation spirals out of control, Eloise demonstrates that she will do anything to keep her secrets hidden. How far is she willing to go?

My Darlings is a breathtaking and fascinating novel. It will take readers on an exciting voyage into the mind of a calculated sociopath. The writing is crisp, and Eloise's character evolution is exquisitely crafted and portrayed. The storyline is suspenseful, engaging, and perfectly paced. Several twists and turns will have readers on the edge of their seats. The ending will leave many readers in shock, so don't miss out on this psychological treat. The unidentified character—the watcher—adds further intrigue and suspense to this captivating story. I love how Marie Still cleverly turns the tables on Eloise. Our ever-careful serial killer has a stalker of her own who is skilled at tracking Eloise's every move. It was mesmerizing seeing Eloise maneuver through that encounter. I'm confident that fans of psychological thrillers will enjoy this stimulating read.