
Fiction - Suspense
234 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Paul Johnson for Readers' Favorite

Gwen Michaels moved to California two years ago to start fresh, hoping her past could stay secret forever. One day the unexpected happens, a hired killer shows up and tries to end her life. She immediately assumes her cover is blown but finds that isn’t the case. After a little not so subtle persuasion Gwen learns the man knows nothing of her past. So begins the search to find who really wants her dead, and why. First though, she must tell her husband, who knows nothing of her past, the truth, the whole complete unbelievable truth.

Secrets is a fast paced thriller that will keep you guessing to the very end. Start with a woman with a hidden past, then add two men who shouldn't have been seen together. Mix in a cop who won't let go and follow it up with Industrial espionage, deception and betrayal.

Gwen Michaels is very down to earth. She doesn't believe in gray areas, it's all black and white. But what makes her special is because she is an assassin, an assassin that left the game because she was beginning to like it too much. Gwen lives by one code: you try to kill her, you don't get to live.

For starters, Secrets is not your regular mystery novel. I found it interesting that the author chose to write the story mainly in first person but with several chapters in third person. As the story moves along, the author does a great job at capturing the reader's undivided attention; so much so that once I started it I couldn’t put it down. The author also does an excellent job tying the characters together. The action sequences are well stated without excessive gore and move along with great speed. The plot is simple and isn’t filled with useless details filling in enough background for the reader to understand. I really enjoyed this book and would like to see more of this character in the future. Very good indeed.