Seeing Around Corners

Achieving Success in Business and Life

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
269 Pages
Reviewed on 06/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Seeing Around Corners is a memoir by Stanley C. Middleman, founder of Freedom Mortgage, who began his entrepreneurial career during the 1976 Bicentennial celebrations by running souvenir stands while attending Temple University. His ventures, including a locksmith business and a restaurant, taught him crucial lessons in customer safety and strategic planning. After working in sales at Penn Life, he founded Freedom Mortgage in Cherry Hill, NJ during the savings and loan crisis, focusing on mortgage banking. The acquisition of Irwin Mortgage Corporation was pivotal, enhancing the company's growth and efficiency. Middleman worked through regulatory changes, including Dodd-Frank, and managed risks during the 2008 financial crisis. His son, Gregory, addressed operational challenges during COVID-19, resulting in a mortgage production surge in 2020. Middleman stresses long-term planning and risk management, anticipating future challenges and opportunities in the evolving mortgage industry.

Seeing Around Corners by Stanley C. Middleman is great in how it encapsulates the essence of the American Dream, chronicling Middleman's rise from a modest background to a successful entrepreneur. It resonates through its themes of hard work, perseverance, and success, and is illustrated by Middleman's own personal anecdotes that add a solid, relatable human element. I liked the memoir best when Middleman is sharing practical challenges in the industry, and strategic decisions he made, such as accumulating servicing assets as interest rates rose and declining prices for seasoned MSRs, leaning into his professional foresight and personal involvement. Middleman's use of clear language makes the often complex financial conversations accessible and engaging, offering an insightful glimpse into the mortgage business and the mindset behind his entrepreneurial success. Very highly recommended.