Someday is Today

Achieving Racial Equity in the Workplace

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
120 Pages
Reviewed on 08/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Someday is Today by Allison Manswell is a comprehensive guide that delves into the intricate dynamics of racial equity within the workplace, offering insights that go beyond surface discussions to tackle the emotional ramifications of discrimination. Through character-driven narratives, Manswell encourages readers to confront their biases and recognizes that understanding and empathy are essential for fostering change in organizational culture. The book serves as a vital resource for leaders seeking to hold themselves accountable while addressing the generational and societal factors that contribute to ongoing inequalities. Manswell emphasizes that the path to true equity requires a commitment to continuous learning and open dialogue, making her work crucial for today's diverse work environments.

The workplace is not meant to be a place of oppression and unfair treatment. Despite the progress we have made in understanding racial, religious, generational, and gender differences, challenges remain. By actively addressing biases and implementing fair practices, organizations can create a culture where everyone feels respected and empowered to succeed, ultimately benefiting both employees and the overall workplace ecosystem. Allison Manswell perfectly addresses these ideas in Someday is Today through engaging stories with unique characters yet familiar everyday people facing relatable workplace challenges and encounters with people who do not understand their struggles. The author refers to the death of George Floyd, explains terms like empathy fatigue, discusses microaggressions, and many more issues. Someday is Today is a must-read as it will foster understanding and compassion, and encourage open dialogue in any workplace. Overall, this is great work.