Spider Might

Children - Animals
32 Pages
Reviewed on 06/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alex Ndirangu for Readers' Favorite

David Grubb's Spider Might is a children's picture book about a spiderling who wants to spin an indestructible web. The book opens by transporting us to a small village of garden spiders. Here, we meet a young spider called Instar. The big day Mom set aside for web-building lessons is finally here. However, each time Instar spins a web at the practice, they end up easily destroyed, leaving the young spider feeling very sad. In search of making her webs the strongest the world has ever seen, Instar and her friends set out to find Old Exuvia, a witch-like spider living alone at the farthest end of the village. Here, the spiderlings drink a potion specially made to endow spider webs with magic. Instar just can't wait to try out her super webs on their way home—except the webs are miraculously indestructible, and not even Old Exuvia can free anything she traps! 

David Grubb is a master storyteller. His descriptions grab your interest right from the first page, and as the narrative unfolds, you are seamlessly drawn into Instar's world. The book offers an amazing glimpse into life in the village and delightfully captures the spiderling's curiosity and eagerness to soar and succeed in her big dream. Spider Might is a clever way for parents to spark important discussions with their children about what they love and want to accomplish. It encourages thinking big, interaction, and questions, fostering an even deeper introspection. Young readers will meet young, uniquely adventurous characters, enjoy lots of captivating action, and marvel at the engaging illustrations that vividly capture the forest setting. Spider Might is a charming tale that not only educates but also sparks imaginative young minds, soaring with adventure and the wildest of dreams. It's a real treat!

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Spider Might is a delightful children's book by David Grubb. As she enters her web-building phase, Instar is excited about learning to construct webs. She crafts beautiful samples for her mother, but she places them in areas where they are easily destroyed. Instar decides she needs to create a stronger silk for her webs. After talking with her friends about her idea, they visit a black widow spider, Exuvia, to ask for her help. Exuvia is fearsome, but she agrees to assist them. The young spider friends drink a potion to make their webs indestructible. But Exuvia warns them that nothing can be freed from their webs - even by her. Instar and her friends happily experiment with their new skills, but they quickly learn why it's better to have impermanent webs.

David Grubb delivers a cute story with a valuable lesson. It can be used to open up conversations about the natural order of things and the biology of spiders. Grubb uses names that are related to spiders, making his work more interesting to adults who may already know many of the terms as they read to children. Instar is in a stage between molts, comparable to puberty, so her attitude and malcontent reflect that period in a young adolescent's life. It's incredible to imagine we could have superpowers, but the author goes a step further in a story about spiders that can spin webs that last forever. The author's originality and creativity are present throughout the story and the colorful images will grab a child reader's attention. Children who enjoy fantasy books about spiders will like Spider Might.

Pikasho Deka

Spider Might is a children's adventure tale by David Grubb. When Instar, a young spiderling, is old enough to start weaving webs, her mother takes her to the forest to teach Instar the art of weaving orb webs. Unbeknownst to her mother though, Instar has been practicing, and she starts weaving a web before her mother can say anything. But the web is soon torn apart by a man on a mountain bike. Frustrated by her web being destroyed, Instar visits a black widow spider named Old Exuvia with her friends. After drinking a potion made by Old Exuvia, Instar and her friend can now make indestructible webs that are impossible to escape. However, this leads to a chain of chaotic events as their family members get stuck in these webs. Can the effects of the potion be reversed?

A coming-of-age story with heart, Spider Might teaches a valuable lesson about respecting the environment and abiding by the rules of nature. Featuring spiders as the main characters, David Grubb weaves an enticing web of a tale that keeps you engaged and entertained from start to finish. The immensely likable characters are full of quirks. Their mischievous antics will make you laugh while giving you a lesson on exercising restraint over altering the surrounding environment, as even seemingly small changes can lead to heavy consequences. Instar is a precocious spiderling who wants to prove herself. Despite her innocent naivety that leads her to make some mistakes, you can't help but find her adorable. I especially enjoyed her relationships with her family and friends. This is the perfect adventure story for readers below the age of ten.

Astrid Iustulin

A young cross spider named Instar aspires to weave webs that do not break easily. After seeing her first attempt fail miserably, Instar and some friends seek advice from Old Exuvia, a black widow spider who makes them drink a potion to make their webs strong. Exuvia also warns the young spiders that no one will be able to free what they trap in their webs. Instar enjoys her new ability and gets progressively bigger objects — including a four-engine train — tangled up in her webs. However, it does not take long for her and her friends to realize that things have gotten out of control and that they must remedy the situation as soon as possible. Will they succeed in their task? David Grubb will tell you all about it in Spider Might.

Spider Might is a fun and instructive story. Because of Instar's desire to make something that lasts, young readers will find it easy to relate to her — who did not dream of doing something like this as a child? This ambition teaches Instar and readers a valuable lesson. We must always think about the consequences of our actions and never attempt to break the rules of the natural world. David Grubb could not have made this point any clearer. The full-page images beautifully represent Instar, Old Exuvia, and all the other characters; you will love them. I heartily recommend this book to young readers who enjoy tales in which small creatures can teach them big lessons.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Spider Might by David Grubb is a children’s picture book that tells the story of Instar, a cross spider, who is eager to use her web-building skills as she comes of age. Unfortunately, her mother's traditional teaching methods clash with her creative style, and she struggles to spin orb webs like the other spiders. Her unique spiral creations are repeatedly destroyed, leading to frustration and disappointment. Seeking help, she visits a Black Widow spider named Exuvia, who assists Instar and her friends in creating strong, unbreakable webs by using a special magical potion. However, interfering with the natural order leads to severe consequences, and Instar learns important lessons about patience, creativity, and the significance of following one's path.

Spider Might is an enjoyable book that will inspire children to pursue their dreams while teaching them that achieving their goals takes time and effort, rather than shortcuts. The story emphasizes the importance of learning, perseverance, staying focused, and developing resilience and determination to overcome obstacles. Instar is an adorable and relatable character, who embodies the qualities children need to face challenges. I appreciate that she learns from her mistakes and is willing to admit and correct them. David Grubb skillfully conveys the messages through his storytelling, and the colorful illustrations add an engaging dimension to the narrative, bringing the characters and their surroundings to life. This unique book tells the story of a spider's journey and provides valuable educational content, including trivia and spider-related terminology, making it a great resource for readers interested in learning more about these fascinating creatures. Overall, Spider Might is a delightful and thought-provoking book that will appeal to both children and adults.